6 Ways To Remove Odor From Clothes Without The Need For Water

Sometimes. the bad smell of the clothes remains even after washing. To avoid having to do it again, today you will discover 6 ways to remove the bad smell from clothes that are very effective.

It is very common to wear clothes, such as jackets, and suddenly perceive that wardrobe smell, mothballs and old fabric that makes us so uncomfortable. Although, this sometimes depends on the sensitivity of each person, something on which this study can better guide us.

It is clear that there is nothing better than a good wash. However, sometimes we need other fast and effective alternatives when the washing machine itself does not offer us the result we expected.

If this has ever happened to you and you are looking for an effective strategy to remove odor from clothes, take note of these 6 tips. We are sure that they will be of great help to you.

1. Steam and vinegar to remove odor from clothes

Steamer clothes

The strategy that we present to you in the first place can get you out of a hurry. Imagine that you get up in the morning and, when you put on your favorite shirt, you notice that, indeed, it smells like a closet, musty and closed space.

Nothing happens, we have an effective solution. Go to the shower and turn on the hot water. The essential idea is that the steam itself removes the bad smell from the garment. However, take note of how we should do it.

What I need

  • A bucket of very hot water.
  • ½ glass of vinegar (100 ml).

How i do it

  • Close the bathroom and place the shirt near the shower, hanging on a hanger.
  • Under the piece of clothing, place a bucket full of hot water where you have diluted the vinegar.
  • Shower normally, and allow a steamy and humid atmosphere to develop. This combination will soak into the shirt to remove the bad smell.

2. Hang your clothes in open places

To remove the bad smell from clothing, or a specific piece of clothing, there is nothing better than hanging it out in the open air and allowing it to air out.

Nevertheless, remember that with “bad smell” we only understand that uncomfortable trace of humidity, that shirt or jacket that acquires the classic smell of damp and never armpit or dirt . In the latter cases, the only possible option is ordinary washing.

So remember, a surefire way to do this is to hang your clothes on a balcony, terrace or in an open window. The air passing through the fibers of the fabric will eliminate those uncomfortable odors.

Hang clothes inside the house

3. Your jeans in the freezer

The proposal sounds, without a doubt, something extreme. Now … for what purpose are we going to put our jeans in the coldest part of the fridge?

Basically, to “eliminate” those bacteria that cause the bad smell so common in those jeans that have been in a drawer for too long. We explain how to do it.

Steps to remove the bad smell from your jeans

  • Fold your jeans carefully and put them in an airtight bag.
  • Put them in the freezer for 40 to 45 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, remove them from the freezer and hang them for a few minutes so that the fresh air finishes eliminating those bacteria that create the bad smell in this type of clothing.

4. Ammonia for jackets or coats

Something that happens to all of us is that, when winter arrives and we take out our coats, we instantly perceive that characteristic wardrobe smell and “stagnant time”.

To eliminate this annoying enemy without having to take your jackets or coats to the dry cleaner, try this simple ammonia-based remedy.

How to dry clean coats

What I need

  • A brush.
  • A cloth.
  • 1 liter of hot water.
  • 5 tablespoons of ammonia (50 ml).

How i do it

  • What we will do first is brush the jacket well.
  • Next, we moisten the cloth with this combination of water and ammonia.
  • Later, we will pass this cloth throughout the jacket to do a dry cleaning.
  • Finally, we will hang the garment to give it air for a few hours. The bad smell will disappear instantly.

5. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is very effective in removing bad odor from clothes, especially those that are more annoying. If your bathrobe or towels won’t get rid of the bad smell after washing, try this simple strategy.

What I need

  • A spray bottle.
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil (20 ml).

How i do it

  • It is very simple. You just have to steam that area of ​​the garment where the bad smell is concentrated  and let it air dry afterwards.
  • The result is sensational.

    6. Baking soda, foolproof

    We are sure you already knew this trick. The use of baking soda is undoubtedly a very successful way to carry out dry cleaning.

    If your mattress, duvet, or any other type of fiber has an unpleasant odor, try this strategy:

    How i do it

    • Spread baking soda in that area where the bad smell is concentrated.
    • The amount of baking soda that we use will undoubtedly depend on the garment itself.
    • Allow it to act for 1 hour. In that time, it will absorb odor, moisture, and any bacteria.

    Finally, you just have to remove the bicarbonate and… voila! You will see what a pleasant clean fragrance you will have from now on.

    Do you already know how to remove the bad smell from clothes? We encourage you to put into practice some of the tricks mentioned because, without a doubt, the result will surprise you.

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