6 Good Natural Remedies To Relieve Sunburn

The lactic acid contained in yogurt can help us hydrate the skin and promote its recovery after a burn. It will be enough to let it act for 15 minutes and remove it with cold water.

Sunburns are very damaging and the lesions left on the skin cause pain, irritation and other symptoms that are quite annoying.

They often occur in people with sensitive skin but, in the event of prolonged exposure to UV rays, they can be suffered by anyone.

The best way not to suffer its effects is through prevention, since the use of sunscreen reduces the risk of suffering them as much as possible.

In addition, thanks to the protection, the risk of premature aging, spots and other signs that directly affect beauty is reduced.

However, if it is too late to take preventive measures, there are a number of natural remedies that help treat them to speed up your recovery and reduce the negative impact they have on the skin.

This time we wanted to collect the 6 best so that you do not hesitate to try them at home when there is an emergency.

Remedies to treat burns

1. Iced tea

Chamomile (2)

Tea is a source of active compounds such as tannins, whose action relieves burns and the burning sensation on the skin.

It is always appropriate to choose one with anti-inflammatory properties to obtain the best effects in treating this condition.

In this case we recommend one of chamomile in frozen form, which favors the recovery of the skin while calming the pain.


  • Chamomile flowers (20 g).
  • Water (125 ml).
  • Ice cubes.
  • A clean, soft cloth.

What should you do?

  1. First, you should prepare a concentrated chamomile tea, with two tablespoons of the flowers in half a cup of boiling water.
  2. Let it sit for a few minutes and add ice cubes to speed up its cooling.
  3. When it is cold, apply it to the skin with the help of a soft cloth or towel.
  4. You can also put it in a spray bottle to spray it directly on the affected areas.

You can apply it several times a day, for as long as necessary to recover the skin.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

One of the oldest remedies for treating all types of burns is aloe vera gel.

It contains moisturizing and repairing compounds that refresh the skin while nourishing the cells to renew the affected areas.


  • Aloe vera.

What should you do?

  1. Extract the gel contained inside the aloe vera leaf and apply it on sun-damaged skin.
  2. Let it absorb and repeat its application two or three times a day.
  3. Use it every day until the skin has recovered.

3. Cornstarch


Cornstarch or cornstarch is a natural product that helps soothe skin irritations and those painful blisters that can be caused by burns.

It is ideal for treating areas such as the back, buttocks, and lower armpits.


  • Cornstarch (10 g).

What should you do?

Rub some cornstarch on the affected areas, especially before wearing any tight clothing.

4. Potatoes


A potato-based mask is an excellent reliever for pain caused by burns,  as it refreshes and accelerates the recovery of the skin.


  • Potatoes.
  • Water (62 ml).

What should you do?

  1. Peel the two potatoes, chop them and put them in the blender with a little water.
  2. Process everything for a couple of minutes, until you get a thick paste.
  3. Spread the product on burned skin and leave it on until it dries.
  4. To finish, take a cold shower.

5. Natural yogurt

Plain yogurt

The lactic acid in yogurt and its concentration of nutrients act in favor of the skin to hydrate it and accelerate its recovery.


  • Natural yogurt (125 g).

What should you do?

  1. Chill the yogurt in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, spread it over the burns, and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Rinse with cold water and use it every day.

6. Oats

Oatmeal and milk

This ingredient has been used in hundreds of skin health remedies, as it nourishes and hydrates the skin. Its properties prevent aging and help exfoliate to get rid of dead skin that remains after suffering a burn.


  • Oat flakes (20 g).
  • Honey from bees (75 g).

What should you do?

  1. Mix the two tablespoons of oatmeal with the honey until you get a thick paste.
  2. Spread the product on the affected areas and leave it to act for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with cold water and use every day until your skin recovers.

To conclude, we recommend choosing only one of the remedies mentioned in this article. Avoid trying several at the same time, as it can backfire.

If the burn is too severe it is better to consult your doctor before trying any remedy.

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