5 Ways A Man Acts When Attracted

Finding out how a man behaves when attracted can be easy in some cases, while in others it can be more painstaking work. This is because in the end, it all depends on the person.

However, there are some clues that could help us get an idea about when a man is attracted to someone or not. Let’s see them in more detail below.

Some aspects about the attraction

Men and women chatting.

Attraction is inherent in the human being . This can occur on the physical or psychological plane. In most cases they complement each other and generate the desire to establish a romantic relationship.

Also, a large number of people determine this practice as the distinction with respect to non-thinking animals. Together with reason, they are what make up the identity of the human being.

Although it is part of the human essence, not all individuals are clear about what they feel and perceive. Some  avoid direct contact and feel ashamed or embarrassed about their feelings. For this reason, there is no “manual” that gives concrete and unequivocal clues for all cases.

The man, the woman and the feelings

Both men and women perceive taste and attraction towards other individuals. However, it is not gender dependent to take the initiative. Despite this, history has been marked by extreme machismo, which has imposed certain fees.

In that order of ideas, the woman can expect the man’s insinuation, as long as they like each other. However, this type of thinking has changed over time and today the opposite act is not frowned upon. Thus, the woman can also be the first to speak and make conversation to whoever is attracted to her.

How to recognize the behavior of a man when he is attracted?

Regarding the above, the initiative may not be the first problem that women face to conquer a man. Another complication they have to face is finding out whether or not he is interested in them.

Next we will expose some ways of acting, which indicate the taste of a man towards a woman. Let’s get started.

1. Hands in pockets

Man with his hands in his pockets.

One of the main reasons why a man does not take the initiative to approach a woman is shyness.

Traditionally, it is believed that the male must show strength and determination. However, this does not have to be the case in all cases. In fact, the most common thing is to perceive certain sensations, among which the shame or shame and shyness stand out, not exactly decision.

One of the most noticeable signs in men associated with the above is hands in pockets. Possibly it occurs when you are close to the person who attracts you. Of course, this is not the only thing to pay attention to in your body language.

2. Dress well

Despite not being a way of acting but a very subtle gesture, the fact that a man dresses “well” to make a good impression is another possible indicator that a person is attracted to him. Especially when he knows that he is going to meet her.

Attached to clothing, the use of lotions and other types of products with pleasant scents can also indicate that you are interested in the game of courtship and seduction.

3. Difficulty communicating

Although the man may seek different ways of approaching, shyness can play a trick on him, not only in the aforementioned way of acting but also in expressing himself.

  • Even without being a shy person, when he is attracted to another person, the man can find himself uncomfortable and nervous.
  • When expressing yourself, you may stutter or misconnect words in simple sentences. This situation occurs because of the fear of rejection.

4. A man who is attracted to someone cannot hide his smile

Feeling happy and not being able to hide it even by writing a text message alone is another of the main indicators of attraction. When someone is in pleasant situations, in one way or another it denotes joy and enthusiasm.

This is what happens when you find yourself with that desired person. Generally speaking, men tend to be a bit more enthusiastic about women.

The smile is the main indicator of happiness and, in these situations, it is difficult to conceal or hide it.

5. Show interest

Attraction and interest are closely linked. It does not mean that whoever is interested in conversations or tastes is attracted, although it does have a lot of influence if this is accompanied by other issues, such as those already mentioned above.

If a man is one of those who focuses on listening and actively participating in the conversation and, in addition, recalls information from past encounters, things are on the right track.

Are there any other clues?

Although some clues can be taken into account, the truth is that there is no magic formula that is infallible to determine the degree of interest or attraction. Therefore, to know whether or not a man is attracted to another person, you have to get to know him, talk to him and observe …

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