5 Tricks To Properly Care And Disinfect Your Mattress

Disinfecting the mattress is very important for our health. We spend a very important part of our lives on the mattress of our bed. Although we usually ignore it, this is one of the essential elements in our house. The problem is that over time it acquires dirt and, although we do not always see it, it can also accumulate mites that affect our health.

Sweat, dust, and germs grow in an environment that is comfortable for them. In addition, as they proliferate, they are responsible for many allergies and diseases, despite this, many do not take the time necessary to disinfect the mattress. In fact, they don’t have the slightest idea how to do it.

Fortunately, it is a task that everyone can do on a regular basis. In addition, it is not complicated and does not require the use of expensive products. Here we want to share 5 interesting tricks that will surely help you disinfect the mattress. Take note!

5 tricks to properly care and disinfect your mattress

Here are five tips to disinfect your mattress :

1. Rotate the mattress periodically

disinfect the mattress

Although turning the mattress will not guarantee its disinfection, it is a good way to ventilate it and prevent it from becoming deformed. It is advisable to do it at least once a week, including a turn from the head area to the feet. It is not convenient to spend a lot of time in the same position on it, since over the days it can suffer damage or deformation that later will be uncomfortable.

2. Make sure to give it good ventilation

It is likely that on some occasions you have heard that “making the bed in the morning is not good for your health.” Although it is a custom that is part of our lives, the truth is that there is a bit of reason in it.

Although it is not about leaving the mess all day, it is advisable to wait an hour or two after getting up. This is because mites proliferate more easily in a humid and warm environment, which, for obvious reasons, they can find in the mattress.

The ideal thing is to remove the sheets and blankets so that the mattress is ventilated after serving us during the night. In addition, it is essential to ensure that fresh air enters the room so that any presence of humidity is eliminated.

3. Use baking soda

disinfect the mattress

The application of baking soda combined with hydrogen peroxide is a great way to achieve a complete disinfection of the mattress. These products have antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties that reduce the presence of various types of microorganisms.


  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
  • 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide (250 ml)
  • 2 drops of liquid soap


  • 1 spray bottle
  • 1 clean cloth

What should you do?

  • Combine the baking soda with the hydrogen peroxide until the powder dissolves completely.
  • Add the liquid soap and continue mixing so that it integrates well.
  • Pour the preparation into a spray bottle and proceed to apply it.
  • Spray the necessary amount on the surface of the mattress, focusing on the dark or stained areas.
  • Wait a few minutes for it to dry well and rub it in with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Remove excess mixture with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Repeat the process at least once a month.

4. Use tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is a good agent for disinfecting and removing bad odors from the mattress. Its properties alter the environment that mites need to survive and, incidentally, eliminate the presence of harmful bacteria.


  • ½ cup of baking soda (100 g)
  • 8 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • ¼ cup of white vinegar (62 ml)

What should you do?

  • First, mix the baking soda with the tea tree essential oil and spray it on the surface of the mattress.
  • Rub it in with the help of a brush and apply a little white vinegar to achieve an effervescent effect.
  • Finally, let the product rest for an hour and use the vacuum cleaner to remove the excesses.

5. Wash the sheets and covers

disinfect the mattress

The sheets and covers are an excellent complement to take care of the mattress and prevent its early deterioration. However, they get dirty easily and absorb a very large part of sweat, dust and dirt. Therefore, it is convenient to change them once a week, and wash them with disinfectant products. In addition, it is essential to verify that your materials are breathable, waterproof and easy to wash.

Final comments

In short, disinfecting the mattress is a simple and healthy task. Therefore, try to carry it out on a regular basis to avoid the accumulation of dirt and microorganisms. In this way, you will gain health and quality of life.

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