5 Symptoms That You Are Dating An Egocentric

Do you think you could be dating an egocentric but you still have some evidence to find? We will tell you everything you should look at in the next article.

Are you dating a person who at first seemed great to you but now you don’t like that much anymore? Does everything seem to revolve around her? In this case, it is possible that you are dating an egocentric.

It is important to understand that self-centered people believe that their own opinions and interests are more important than those of others. Therefore, they will always leave you in the background.

Let’s dive deeper into it.

5 symptoms that you are dating an egocentric

1. He needs you to reaffirm his importance and qualities all the time

When you're dating an egocentric

Egocentrics are capable of projecting great self-confidence, but the reality is completely the opposite. These people are usually very insecure so if you are dating an egocentric person, they will ask your opinion all the time and need your approval.

Among the questions that you will find yourself answering all the time are the following:

  • How am I?
  • Does this suit me?
  • Do you like me?
  • What do you like about me?

If you have doubts about whether your partner only wants your opinion or is egocentric, analyze if he behaves the same with everyone. Also, it would be nice if you also explore  how he acts when they give him a negative comment.

A stable person is able to understand when constructive criticism is given, but an egocentric person will take it badly. Most likely, he will end up causing a great fight or get defensive.

2. Analyze each situation considering only how it is affected

Here is another symptom that you are dating an egocentric person: his only filter when analyzing the situations that arise is whether they affect him or not.

For example, you may have had a bad day and maybe you just want to stay home to rest or chat.  A normal couple would understand that you feel bad and agree to stay with you to talk or just keep you company.

An egocentric, on the other hand, will be upset if he has already made plans and will recriminate you or leave without caring what you feel or need.  This is because self-centered people have little or no empathy , so they only care about themselves and their needs .

3. He wants your full attention and that you are available when he needs you

Be kind to choose a partner

Another common situation when you are dating an egocentric is that pretend that you are available to him at all times . Either because he needs you to listen to him or to go where he is, self-centered people will seek control over the people around them.

Do you feel exhausted and sometimes would you rather put a little distance with that person? Have you had to leave activities, people or situations that were very important to you for that person?

  • While you may be flattered at first that someone needs you so urgently, over time that person will end up being a burden.
  • If you are in this case, remember that you have every right to set your priorities as you see fit and you do not have to leave the things that interest you for anyone.

4. You don’t remember the things that are most important to you.

Have you been dating a person for months and you don’t even remember if you have brothers ? Have you told him several times which food you like the least and he always asks for it because he forgets it bothers you?

Of course, there is a possibility that that person is a little clueless. It happens to all of us that we are sometimes wrong, but an egocentric person will not have the slightest interest in listening to you.

They may seem like small things, but that doesn’t mean they don’t matter. When your partner does not remember the relevant things, it implies that you are one more person that he pretends to pay attention to .

5. He talks all the time and does not give you the opportunity to communicate your ideas


Another sign that you are dating an egocentric is that you have to listen while he talks all the time . It is possible that, on the occasions when he allows you to speak, he will do it just to agree with him and then continue with his speech.

Do you feel that what you say is not interesting for that person and that is why the whole conversation revolves around him? This is a clear symptom.

What to do when you are dating an egocentric person?

Set limits . It is important that you set and respect your limits to prevent your self-esteem look damaged. If that person is not able to respect them, perhaps you should step back a bit to avoid bigger problems.

Explain what you feel uncomfortable with, even though  he is not very interested in what you have to say to him. However, it is important to do so to clarify the situation and give you the opportunity to make changes that improve the relationship.

If nothing changes, put distance between . Be realistic and understand that some people are just not ready for a healthy relationship. Luckily, there are millions of people in the world and you don’t have to tie yourself to an egocentric.

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