5 Remedies With Pepper That You Did Not Know

Pepper is the product of various species of plants that belong to the same genus. It has several properties that are beneficial for health and therefore, it is not only used to flavor foods, but also to make remedies. Therefore, in this article we present five pepper remedies that you can easily make at home.

Find out how this spice can be effective in relieving coughs or dry skin, as well as eliminating toxins that build up in the body. Keep reading!

What is pepper and what are its types?

As we have been commenting, pepper is a group of plants of different species grouped in the genus Piper. All of them produce a fruit that is also usually known by the same name. However, this fruit varies in its colors according to the species.

different types of peppercorns

Its most common form of presentation is ground, and it is used in gastronomy or to alleviate some health problems. However, its use must be approved by the doctor to rule out any type of problem.

Likewise, not all are the same and within the Piper genus  the following types stand out :

  • The nigrum is one of the best known and widespread, since the black, white and green peppers are extracted from there.
  • The longum is very similar to the nigrum, but longer and spicier.
  • Moreover, the guineense is West Africa naturally. It contains a small, red fruit with a more bitter taste, ideal for condiments.
  • The  cubeba or “Java pepper” uses its berry, above all, to make essential oils used in home remedies.
  • Perhaps the other most common species is red or cayenne pepper, which comes from chili. As well as that of Sichuan , typical of East Asia and considered one of the strongest.
  • From Malaysia and the Indian subcontinent comes betle , which is a plant popularly known for its medicinal properties. In this way, its round berry-shaped fruit is used to fight different diseases.
  • All this without forgetting Tasmanian black pepper and chasteberry, known as “wild pepper” and very common in Europe.

Properties for natural remedies with pepper

Pepper is  known for its properties in the world of gastronomy, since it adds a spicy touch to each recipe in which it is used. Also, some people use it to combat various health problems.

For example, cayenne pepper contains properties that relieve muscle aches. In addition, it is able to prevent clots, speed up metabolism and help with sore throats.

Betle pepper  is used to fight bad breath, as well as conditions that cause coughs and sore throats. Instead, from the racemosa a lotion is obtained that can be applied to the skin to relieve pain and tension.

Dioecious pepper (native to Central America) acts as an antiseptic and pain reliever. On the other hand, black pepper contains antioxidant properties.

Pepper remedies

There are different alternatives to prepare pepper remedies naturally ; And, although treating this fruit may seem complicated, here you will discover how to make quick and simple remedies, according to the evidence found by phytotherapists.

1. Betle pepper for cough

To alleviate cough problems, an infusion with betle pepper can be excellent.

Girl coughing in bed.

Betle pepper is the ideal type to relieve discomfort in the neck area, emphasizing the throat.

This is demonstrated by a study published in 2014 in the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry which collected the main uses of this spice in Chinese popular culture.


  • 1 tablespoon of grated betle pepper (15 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • Honey (optional).


  • To start, add the pepper to a cup of boiling water and let it steep. In turn, you can also add a few teaspoons of honey.
  • If you don’t have betle pepper , it can also work with black pepper.

2. Cayenne pepper for the jerks

One of the uses of cayenne pepper is to  relieve discomfort in muscle areas . In fact, it is considered useful for relieving pain caused by pulling.

According to a study published in 2013 by the European Journal of Pharmacology , this would be due to capsaicin (one of its main active compounds). This has an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces stiffness and pain in the muscles, especially when used topically.

In addition, this substance could help improve circulation ; which is key to promoting oxygenation and the supply of nutrients to the muscles, and thus reducing pain. However, experts point out that further research should be carried out in this regard; so, before using it, consult your doctor.


  • 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper (30 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g).


  • Mix a few tablespoons of ground cayenne pepper with coconut oil.
  • Next, heat the combination in a pot and let it rest overnight.
  • After the indicated time, strain the mixture and store it in a jar with a lid.

With this remedy you can relieve muscle pain. To do this, massage the affected area several times a day.

3. Black pepper to detoxify

black pepper

According to the followers of the detox stream , getting rid of toxins is something the body appreciates. For this, they consider that black pepper could be an ally in this task.

As explained in the following article published in 2007 by Dr. Srinivasan, this pepper contains an active principle called “piperine” that improves digestive capacity and protects against free radicals.

Along these lines, a herbal smoothie with several tablespoons of ground black pepper can be an option to take care of yourself if you combine it with an exercise routine and a balanced diet. Next, we show you how to make it.


  • 1 bouquet of watercress or chard (with its stems).
  • 3 tablespoons of black pepper.
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml).


  • Blend all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Drink it after meals.

4. Chasteberry to relieve premenstrual symptoms

Another of the pepper remedies is based on chasteberry. It is taken as an infusion, accompanied by a little honey if it is very spicy.

Women have great support in this variety, as it serves to develop products that alleviate premenstrual symptoms. Likewise, a study developed by several Australian researchers showed that it helps to reduce cravings and the first stomach aches before menstruation.


  • 1 tablespoon of chasteberry pepper (15 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • Honey (optional).


  • Heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, add the pepper and boil for a few minutes.
  • Strain the content, sweeten and drink.

5. Pepper racemosa for dry skin

As the following article published by the Universidad de los Andes in 2017 points out, this Caribbean plant is popularly recognized as “malagueta” and is used to combat dry skin.

Through a process of distillation of the leaves, an oil called bay-rum is produced.

To combat sunburned and dry skin, apply this oil  to the affected areas. Likewise, it is advisable to do it after bathing so that it has a longer effect.

Bay-rum pepper oil.

Include pepper in your meals to take advantage of its benefits

Remember that these remedies are natural and therefore do not act as a miracle formula for any condition. In any case, they could be a complement to a healthy lifestyle. Also, see a doctor before using them to avoid possible allergies and other related problems.

And you? Do you dare to try these pepper remedies? Enjoy the properties of this spice in the most natural way.

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