5 Reasons Why You Should Never Drink Bottled Water Again

Bottled water is more expensive and has no additional health benefits. We will tell you more below.

Water is an essential drink for life, it plays an essential role in the body. Considering the importance of water to the body, many companies have done business selling bottled water claiming that it is healthier than tap water.

However, although it is apparently very healthy, the truth is that some industries distribute low quality water at prices that are very high for consumers.

Bottled water is not the best for the planet or for health

Bottled water is not a sustainable alternative, even if the industry wants to make it look that way. On the one hand, recycling the plastic used to bottle water is not always effective, often ending up in the normal trash.

On the other hand, and although companies strive to control water and make us pay for it, this product is essential for human survival, and its price should not be speculated or played with on human health.

Be careful, we are not saying that tap water is 100% safe for use in all countries of the world, since everything depends on the treatment it receives to make it suitable for human consumption. With this in mind, here are 5 reasons why you should never consume bottled water again.

1. Plastic bottles are not sustainable

Contaminants associated with microplastics

As we have already mentioned, the industry has wanted consumers to believe that plastic bottles are biodegradable and friendly to the environment. However, these bottles are made of materials that can take hundreds of years to decompose and the truth is that they are not always recycled. 

Currently, there are several recycling campaigns to reduce the impact of plastic bottles on the environment, but this has only reduced a small part of the pollution.

According to several studies, more bottles go to the trash than those that are recycled. In addition, “biodegradable” bottles do not break down as easily as they seem, since they only use less plastic than the others.

2. You spend more money buying bottles of water

Although in several countries of the world it is best to consume bottled water, in the case of Spain, it really is not necessary. Tap water has an adequate quality and is suitable for consumption, as has been stated by the experts, one of them, JM Mulet.

It is advisable to purchase a refillable or reusable bottle, to avoid generating waste and to support the “use and throw” chain. Glass bottles are the most recommended option, but there are those who bet on stainless steel ones. Evaluate the options and choose the one that best suits you.

3. Bottled water does not provide additional benefits

Although the opposite was believed, it has been shown that the consumption of bottled water does not provide additional health benefits.

There are celebrities who consume mineral water from Fiji (for example) because they believe that they will obtain “essential nutrients” that will help to take care of or improve their health, however, this amounts to only a marketing gimmick and a lot of suggestion. Fiji’s water is neither going to be purer, nor more nutritious.

4. Reusable bottles are in fashion

To save money, have a healthier option and be friendly with the environment, a good option is to get a reusable bottle, preferably glass, in any size or shape you like. On the market there are many ideal bottles to carry water from home and always have this liquid so necessary for our lives at hand.

5. You can always install a filter at home

In case you are very concerned about the quality of the water in your home, even in countries like Spain, perhaps you should consider installing a filter. That would be a good solution and help prevent you from falling for bottled water.

Another good option is a jug with a biodegradable filter, which guarantees safer water. Another option is to install filters for the sink, which are easily installed and improve the quality of the water.

What do the experts recommend?

Gemma del Caño, pharmacist, scientific communicator and food safety expert, indicates that it is NOT convenient to reuse plastic bottles. Mainly for two reasons:

  • They contribute to environmental pollution.
  • Repeated use of the bottle can lead to microcracks where bacteria and germs can accumulate which can later cause health problems.

    In short, do not get carried away by that “bottled water is purer than any other”, find out well, contrast data and do not rush to draw conclusions from sensational headlines. On the other hand, keep in mind that it is not bad that you buy a bottle of water at a specific time, but the ideal would be that you buy a steel or glass bottle and reuse it. 

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