5 Reasons That Tell You Not To Be Ready To Have Children

In general, topics as sensitive as having children are not usually discussed with just anyone. Especially since the opinions are completely different considering:

  • The upbringing.
  • The context.
  • Culture.
  • The religion.

Rather, the issue of children is for everyone, but not everyone should be discussed in the same way. Today there are still people with very rigid postures. In some people ethics and morals take their toll in an exaggerated way.

Therefore, each one should reflect on this issue alone and seriously. If you have a stable partner, you have to share your thoughts in a pleasant discussion without bothering yourself. This can be a healthy way to reach an agreement.

Likewise, showing a slight antipathy towards children can create a major problem if the person with whom we share life plans to have their own child in the near or distant future. However, this way of thinking is not enough as a good reason to avoid pregnancy.

Reasons for not having children

In the order of ideas that we have pointed out so far, we are going to present arguments that indicate that  you are not ready to assume motherhood. Do not miss them!

1. You love tranquility

Love the quiet

It is clear that all people are different and, despite being similar in several things, a particular characteristic will always stand out that will differentiate us. That happens with tranquility. Although it is recognized as a whole, it is usually experienced in different ways.

  • If you are one of those people who associate tranquility with silence and calm, having children may not be appropriate.
  • Without a doubt, this reason is very valid and strong. On the other hand, it reaffirms not wanting a child at home crying constantly. 

Ultimately, peace of mind is non-negotiable, at least in this situation.

2. You like reading

With regard to reading, the best way to practice it is in peace. Therefore, this reason is broadly linked to the previous one.

In general terms, those who enjoy a good book look for quiet and pleasant spaces. A basic example of this is the library, within which, as a strict and universal rule, silence is required, the denser the better.

In that order of ideas, it is very complex for a child, especially if it is a baby, to contribute to the silence or tranquility to appreciate books as desired. If this is your case, perhaps it is best to wait.

3. There is no affinity with children


At the time of reading this reason, without a doubt, it seems that there is no greater reason to avoid having a child. Really, why else, if you just don’t feel any kind of empathy with these little friends.

With this reason for not having children, hatred towards children is not affirmed: plain and simple, many people feel a bit intimidated by their presence. For example, when a family member leaves their children in our care and we do not know how to entertain or talk to them.

In conclusion, there is no chemistry. Thus, having your own may not be the most appropriate.

4. Pregnancy causes distress

Of course, it’s about the other pregnant people, since we’ve never been. As for the gestational state of other women, the environment usually reacts in a tender and protective way.

However, in case of causing the opposite, it is possible that the pregnancies are not the most desired, much less a child. Beyond that kind of rejection,  what it can cause is a certain degree of anguish and concern.  Imagining in such a way is not very pleasant, therefore, it is a reason to avoid a child.

5. The economy is not stable


There is also the possibility of being delighted with children and seeing yourself as a good mother. It is even possible to wish to have more than one child. However, something can damage that cute fantasy. The economy is one of the reasons why many families fail to establish themselves throughout the world.

When this is not stable it becomes much more complex to procreate and, although there are many exceptions, life for them is not easy at all. Based on the above, it can be affirmed that, no matter how desired a child of one’s own is, it is best to first obtain a decent economy to raise it with everything necessary.

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