5 Practical Ways To Build Resilience

It may be difficult at first to do so, but resilience is essential to give ourselves the importance we deserve and be much happier

Adversities will always surprise us throughout our lives. Therefore, to face them it is good to learn to build resilience. Resilience is nothing more than the ability we have to withstand and face the blows that life can give us. The greater our resilience, the more fortitude we will have to face all the problems that we may encounter.

But how do you build resilience? This is something that can be learned through experience. However, today we will help you by giving you some keys that will help you make it much easier.

1. Crises are not insurmountable obstacles

helping build resilience

On many occasions, building resilience is difficult because we see crises as insurmountable obstacles. However, we do not realize that this is so because we are not seeing the situation in proper perspective.

Isn’t it true that if you look back at those experiences you thought you would never get out of, they weren’t as negative as you once thought?

Always question how catastrophic your thoughts are being regarding the current situation. Do not get carried away by them and strive to take some distance. You will see that there is nothing you cannot overcome.

2. Change is part of life


Decision-making, changes … All of this costs us a lot because we bet on the everyday and routine, that is, on everything that provides us with a certain security and comfort. However, when a problem stalks us, our life is suddenly turned upside down. We do not know what to do, we are lost!

It is important to stop taking changes as something negative. We do not have to reject them or take them as something to fear. The changes may be more positive than we think. If you don’t believe it, you may remember some experience of change in the past. Surely the change provided you, above all, a great learning.

3. Take it as a growth opportunity

The problems, the difficulties, the obstacles are not as terrible as we want to imagine them. And it is that they can be a great opportunity to grow and learn more about ourselves. Who has not discovered a part of his personality that did not surface until he encountered a certain obstacle?

Seeing tragedies as real misfortunes is something socially well seen, but what if we also take them as opportunities to improve as people?

We can build the most powerful resilience, thanks to seeing the most dire situations with different eyes. Because among all the negative, there is always something positive. Do we learn to see it?

4. Manage emotions, very important!

woman learning to manage emotions

Nobody teaches us to manage emotions, which is why we have so many problems with them. Sometimes we repress them, other times we express them without any control.

Our ignorance, sometimes, when it comes to identifying how we are really feeling causes us to sometimes have excessive reactions and that we do not know how to control our impulses. This has a negative impact on our relationships, it also undermines our self-esteem and causes the terrible feeling that feelings are overwhelming us.

Practicing mindfulness, meditation or yoga can help us to observe our thoughts and feelings, to know ourselves better, to dive inside ourselves and, above all, to gain resilience.

5. Don’t forget about yourself

happy woman with her life

The best way to build resilience is by taking care of ourselves. Well, we always tend to worry about others, but who cares about us?

Exercising, eating well, prioritizing ourselves when necessary, learning to say “no” are attitudes that seem simple, but that we usually leave behind in a second or even a third plane.

We do not give ourselves the importance we deserve and that has its consequences when a problem addresses us.

If we begin to pay attention to ourselves, we will discover that we can stay more whole when life hits us. We will be prepared for everything, we will enjoy great resilience.

Now that you know how to build resilience, it’s important to start making small changes in your life that work for you, never against you.

Sometimes, without realizing it, we go against our own health and well-being, because we act according to an unconscious pattern of behavior that leads us to victimhood, drama and cultivate low self-esteem.

It is time to turn all this around, to start seeing the positive among the negative and begin to be much happier.

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