5 Post-sun Masks To Soothe The Skin

Despite the recommendations to use sunscreen and not to expose ourselves during the hours of greatest danger, many of us have suffered the discomfort of sunburn. However, even if the skin is already reddened, we still have time to minimize the harmful effects by using after-sun or after-sun masks .

We often get burned and find that we don’t have the right lotion on hand. However, it is very important to treat reddened skin as soon as possible, so that it recovers quickly. In this regard, a Medline Plus article offers valuable information regarding the treatment of burns.

However, the use of these post-sun masks will be adequate as long as the burns are not serious. Otherwise, it is essential to see a specialist before applying any treatment.

Post-sun masks with homemade ingredients

Next, we propose different options of ingredients that most of us have in the kitchen to be able to prepare these post-sun masks with hydrating, soothing and antioxidant effects. 

Some of them have scientific support, which makes them even more advisable, despite the fact that consultation with a dermatologist is always recommended before using them. Find out what they are and choose your favorite!

1. Yogurt and cocoa

Yogurt and cocoa

In addition to their potential to help relieve burns, some of these after sun masks are edible. This means you can make yourself a delicious snack and use the leftovers to apply to your flushed face.

Yogurt, which we will use cold, is a moisturizing ingredient that nourishes the skin without making it greasy. A study published by The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine confirms the benefits of this type of fermented products to improve skin health.

For its part, cocoa  is an antioxidant, so it prevents the action of free radicals. This is confirmed by research published in Nutrients in 2014.

For its application, we just have to mix both ingredients until we get a brown paste. Then apply to the face, let it take effect for a few minutes and rinse off with water.

2. Aloe vera and melon

More and more people have an aloe vera plant at home, since the gel that is extracted from its stalks is a natural remedy for wounds and burns, which calms and helps the skin to regenerate without leaving marks. We can also buy aloe vera gel – as natural as possible – to always have it on hand.

In any of its presentations, this plant has benefits for the treatment of burns and skin care, as stated in a publication by Vertientes, a Specialized Journal of Health Sciences . 

The gelatinous texture of aloe vera will allow us to mix it well with a piece of melon, which we will mash with the help of a fork to extract the juice and also use part of the pulp.

The melon provides hydration and antioxidants, according to Food Chemistry , and this can promote the recovery of the skin, as we explained previously. If we have a mask that is too liquid, we can moisten some sterile gauze and apply it on the face while we are lying on our back.

3. Watermelon and honey

This mask is also a delicious drink that we can take to hydrate the body from the inside. Watermelon is, according to traditional Chinese medicine, one of the natural remedies that help fight conditions such as burns. If we chill it first in the fridge, it is said that it will be even more soothing.

Honey, meanwhile, gives this mask extra hydration and protection for the skin, according to a study published by the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology .

For this preparation, we will beat a piece of watermelon with a tablespoon of honey. As it is a very liquid mask, we will necessarily need to apply it with gauze, as with aloe vera and melon.

4. Avocado and egg

Post-sun masks

This is a useful mask to facilitate the recovery of normal or dry skin that is reddened by the sun. Likewise, it can be beneficial if we apply it before exposure, to achieve a more beautiful and healthier tan. However, keep in mind that it cannot replace the use of sunscreen.

According to a thesis presented at the Catholic University of Colombia in 2018, avocado exerts a “regenerating and protective” effect on the skin.

For its part, eggs are recognized for their antioxidant compounds, confirmed by studies such as one published by Nutrients in 2015. In this way, it can contribute to skin health, as we have previously commented in this article.

With these two ingredients, we could calm the discomfort in the skin and nourish it, since both avocado and egg contain essential fatty acids. For its preparation, you simply have to beat the whole egg and add half a crushed avocado.

5. Potato and olive oil

This curious mask could relieve us when the burn is annoying or even painful, since the potato – especially its skin – has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, according to a recent study published in the Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention .

Olive oil may also add nourishing and calming benefits. However, it should be noted that this action has not been proven by scientific studies yet.

To prepare this mask, we can do it in two ways. The first consists of using cold potato puree, while for the second we must liquefy a raw potato. To the form that we choose, we will add a jet of extra virgin olive oil.

In case of making the liquefied, you must use sterile gauze to apply it. On the other hand, if we prepare the potato puree, its application can be direct.

Post-sun masks are not a substitute for medical consultation

Finally, it is important to note and always keep in mind what we mentioned before: if the burn is significant or blisters appear on the skin, we should avoid any treatment. In such circumstances, it should be a dermatologist who determines the appropriate treatment.

Also, remember that both these natural masks and the ones you get in the pharmacy aim to mitigate a damage that has already been done. To protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun, prevention is best : use sunscreen and avoid the hours of greatest intensity of ultraviolet rays.

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