5 Keys To Irresistible People: Are You One Of Them?

We all know how irresistible people are and what they feel like. They have charisma, bring light and give off that charm that goes far beyond mere physical appearance.

We might think, first of all, that to exercise this type of attraction one has to be born with that gift. That the attractiveness in the manners, the gestures and the treatment “comes from the factory”.

However, this is not the case. In these times where coaches rise as those gurus capable of initiating us in endless competitions, we cannot forget that  being irresistible is directly related to emotional intelligence.

Let’s go deeper.

What characterizes irresistible people?

Friends talking at sunset

1. They know how to connect with others

Travis Bradberry is one of the best-selling authors on emotional intelligence. All his publications are oriented towards a very specific purpose: to train people in different skills so that they perceive themselves as more successful and happy.

It is common to believe that irresistible people manage to connect with others because they have an inexplicable “something” that allows them to do so. In reality, that “something” is made up of several characteristics that can be learned. They are as follows:

  • They have empathy, they value the person in front of them.
  • They practice emotional openness, they are welcoming to treatment. 
  • They convey confidence and security.
  • They have the ability to make the person in front of them feel special.

2. They understand what dignity is and what respect is

Irresistible people attract others because they treat those around them with the same respect that they offer themselves. They do not violate, they do not intimidate, they do not put up fences or speak the language of selfishness or double meaning.

They also understand very well that what we all need is to be treated with dignity. Because when there is respect, people “flourish” and give their best.

We have all noticed it at one time or another. When someone treats us well and values ​​us, we feel empowered to offer the best. They empower us.

3. Protect your personal limits

There is an aspect that we like to find in others: that they know how to respect times, private spaces, that they understand where the personal limits of each one are and that they act conscientiously.

There are those who see themselves with the right to meddle in our affairs, to demand favors, to cross those spaces in which each of us safeguard our self-esteem, our inner balance.

Irresistible people, on the other hand, protect us, defend us and respect us. They will never feel upset if one day we give them a refusal, if we tell them ” I don’t feel like going out today ” or ” I don’t share your opinion “.

They know how to exercise that invisible respect that does not need words, that extols a harmonious coexistence where we feel supported, valued and even protected.

4. They have a positive attitude towards life

When we talk about positivity, we sometimes fall for a double-edged sword. There are people who practice unrealistic optimism, such as thinking that problems will solve themselves or that good things happen to those who want them intensely.

This is not the case with irresistible people. They understand that life is struggle, effort and improvement. However, in each step they take is inscribed that positivity that feeds on hope, courage and enthusiasm. And thus, they are capable of infecting us with their energy, their vitality.

5. They know how to be light in the storm

They give us encouragement, light and motivation. Irresistible people make difficult things easy and have that humble heart that welcomes us without demanding anything in return.

To be light in the storm, one needs, above all, will.  You also need the desire to see possibilities where others see only problems, the courage to break down barriers and do what is best for the common good, so that we all win and no one loses.

Embracing women

We can all radiate that kind of attraction

Is not easy. It is not easy at all to assume an attitude towards life where the other must be  recognized as part of oneself to facilitate the common good, that coexistence that we need so much today.

However, it can be a challenge in our day to day that is worth putting into practice. To do this, we must start by taking care of ourselves, by fostering that personal growth where, little by little, we can be happy inside to offer the best to others.

Because when you are satisfied with yourself, it shows. It is then when he manages to spread that magic to others to be irresistible.

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