5 Fruits To Eliminate The Liquids Retained In Our Body

Do you feel that you have retained fluids in your body? Do your ankles feel swollen? Have you gained weight abruptly? Fluid retention is a relatively common condition that can occur in various situations:

  • In pregnant women
  • Patients with kidney problems
  • High blood pressure situations
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Stress during daily life

The imbalance in the regulation between sodium and water causes the same amount of fluids to be retained as ingested. Although in normal conditions these would have optimal drainage, in the cases mentioned this is not the case.

There are many medications on the market to combat fluid retention, but did you know that you can complement the treatment by consuming foods that help eliminate retained fluids?

Today in our article we are going to tell you which are the 5 best fruits to combat this condition that is increased over the years.

Fruits to eliminate retained liquids

1 apple

Eat apple

Brussels sprouts are an ideal natural diuretic to support good kidney function. These purify excess accumulated fluid and help prevent it from happening again. It is a food that we advise you to incorporate into your regular diet.

This green fruit is one of the most reliable and helpful remedies when you no longer know what else to do to deal with fluid retention. They are very effective regardless of age and predisposing conditions, such as stress or pregnancy.

4. Carrot

Carrot contains vitamin K

One of the main qualities that identify the carrot is that it manages to accelerate the metabolism of liquids. In this way, you prevent retention from taking over your legs, which is where it usually occurs. Likewise, it eliminates all waste from the body, being an excellent natural scrubber.

You can include it in any form in your daily diet and get its beneficial effects day by day, without ever seeing your body swollen with fluid again.

5. Cucumber


Apart from being a fruit with a very good taste, cucumber is the best ally when you want to eliminate the liquids retained in the body.

Its diuretic component is what it best preserves regardless of how you consume it. Feel free to include it in your salads and in your diuretic shakes.

Use nature to your advantage and help your body eliminate retained fluids with a healthy diet based on fruits and vegetables!

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