5 Foods You Should Never Eat Again

You don’t have to eat those foods that you don’t like or that make you feel bad again. Do not do it for its nutritional contribution, since surely you can get it with another food

We often ask ourselves what things we should or should not eat in certain circumstances, such as when we have an upset stomach or diarrhea. But what about the rest of the time? Should we avoid some foods? The answer to this question is yes. We should avoid consuming some. Let’s see below what are those foods that you should never eat again if you want to stay healthy.

Be careful, it is not about going to extremes and stop eating them for fear of getting sick the first time, but simply to avoid them -as much as possible- so that they are not part of the diet and harm us in the long term.

It is true that there are foods that can be more dangerous than others and that there are healthier foods, but the truth is that we cannot classify food as “good or bad”. However, there are some red flags to identify those foods that you should not eat again.

1. The ones you don’t like

Blue fish.

Food is our sustenance but, at the same time, it is pleasure and enjoyment. Therefore, although it is important to eat healthy, it is also important to do it with pleasure, enjoying each bite. 

If you don’t like that dish, don’t force yourself to eat it. Many people fall for this because they believe that one way or another they will benefit, and while this is not entirely wrong, it is not the idea to eat with disgust either. It happens with fish, shellfish, olives, strong cheese, and many other foods.

If you do not like a specific food or dish, it is valid that you look for alternatives. There are thousands of recipes and perhaps one of them suits your palate. But if no matter how hard you try, no alternative makes you eat with pleasure, then leave it and find another nutritious food or dish that you do like. 

Be careful, keep in mind that healthy food does not only consist of steamed broccoli, lettuce or cabbage with grilled chicken.

2. Those that make you feel bad physically

You may love something, but after eating it you feel bloated, lethargic and generally uncomfortable … then you should go over a few issues. Maybe the amount you take is excessive, maybe you eat too fast, maybe you combine several foods that – together – are heavy, or maybe you have some kind of intolerance.

This can happen with any type of food, although white flour, dairy and meats usually take all the prizes in many cases.

If your doctor tells you that you suffer from some kind of intolerance, then follow his instructions. Ask him if you can indulge yourself or if you should forget about certain foods. Their advice will be really important for your well-being.

Of course, if it allows you to give yourself some whims, give them, but do not go overboard with the amount. Do not forget that later you will probably feel bad.

3. The ones that make you feel guilty

Industrial Groceries: One of the Five Foods You Should Never Eat Again

Another of the foods that you should never eat again are those that make you feel guilty immediately after eating them or even seconds before doing so.

After bingeing, you punish yourself heavily by following a strict, unattainable diet or by training too much. Just like after a binge, you tell yourself that “you will never eat like this again.” But deep down you know that temptation will be hard to handle.

The guilt for eating is useless, it only leads you to not feel comfortable with your body, to punish yourself and to force you to consume things that perhaps you do not like just because they are considered healthy. And that’s not the idea. Actually, the ideal would be for you to learn to eat healthy to take care of yourself, not to punish yourself or compensate for one or more excesses.

It is not a recommended technique for several reasons. First, because you are not going to lose the fat already consumed and second, because the stomach will not understand what is happening; You may make him more sensitive if you eat healthy from Monday to Friday and then do not skimp on the weekends.

Therefore, it is better that you follow a more balanced diet, which is adapted to your needs. A diet that does not make you feel that you are hungry or that you “deprive yourself of the good things”, but one that makes you enjoy everything a little and that helps you better manage the temptations so as not to commit excesses every two by three.

4. Those that are too addictive

If there is an edible that you cannot stop eating because you like so much, then it is one of the foods that you should never consume regularly again, much less in excess.

Generally, these addictive products are French fries, chips , buns, sweets, hamburgers, pizzas, ice creams and many other sweets and ultra-processed that have no nutritional value and that only invite you to commit excesses.

5. Those that are not considered real food

Food with food additives

Of all the foods that you should never eat again, those that are considered artificial, manufactured, ultra-processed take the prize.

Large food industries include ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, modified cornstarch, colorants, cellulose, or propylene glycol. These ingredients serve to save the company money and, among other things, create addiction in consumers. They do not contribute anything to health.

The best thing you can do is avoid eating on the street regularly as well as avoid consuming snacks and the like on a daily basis. Instead, try to prepare your own food at home with real ingredients and, when in doubt, consult with your nutritionist. It is also advisable to use high-quality animal protein without the presence of antibiotics or hormones.

Are there more foods you should never eat again?

Depending on your health, there may be more meals that you should never eat again. Consult your doctor about it to get better information.

On the other hand, when you go to the supermarket to do the shopping, try to pay more attention to the labeling of the products. And we are not talking about the “big letters” only, but about everything that makes up the labeling. If there’s an ingredient you don’t recognize, it’s probably not the best for your health.

These have been just some recommendations so that you can enjoy food while maintaining your health. If you have felt identified with some of the exposed situations, it is time for you to make changes.

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