5 Foods That Will Help You Fight And Eliminate Saturated Fat

Saturated fats are those that pose a significant risk to our health,  since they increase the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries until they harden or obstruct them.

The big problem with our current lifestyle is that our diet is very rich in this type of food composed of saturated fat or “trans” fat.

Dairy, meat, sugar, and most foods labeled “fast” become a sword of Damocles. Almost without realizing it, it takes years off our lives and brings us closer to the abyss of a heart attack or stroke.

However, we must be clear about it. It is not at all a question of completely eliminating all these foods from our diet, let alone doing without any type of fat.

The key is in balance, in a varied and good quality diet , where we respect the quantities and that nutritional pyramid that they taught us in school and that little by little we forget.

In fact, we turn to foods high in saturated fat many times because they satisfy us. Because they relieve anxiety, they are tasty, and they are usually quick to make. Good nutrition, on the other hand, requires care, dedication and skill.

Next, we explain what 5 foods can help you eliminate or “make less resistant” the accumulated saturated fat in our body.

1. Eliminate saturated fat with watermelon

We can take strawberry and watermelon smoothies to stimulate collagen production.

Saturated fats come mostly from those fatty acids that we consume in fried foods, commercial baked goods, processed foods, and in margarines that we love so much.

We have to consume them in moderation and look for healthier alternatives that feel better to us and that, in addition, we like them.

A proposal that, without a doubt, will please you is the following: watermelon. When the season arrives it is worth making the most of it and consuming it in salads, juices, naturally …

  • Watermelon is practically 90% water, which not only will give us satiety, but also, we will achieve that saturated fat is gradually eliminated.
  • Another interesting fact is that 1 cup of watermelon (200 g)  provides us with almost 30% of the vitamin C we need per day.

Also, far from seeing this fruit as a low-nutrient food, you will be surprised to know that a good portion provides you with iron and potassium and vitamin B-6.

  • The lycopene present in watermelon is a powerful antioxidant, according to this study from the Autonomous University of Yucatán (Mexico).

2. Almonds

Almond flour

Many may have been surprised. Do almonds promote weight loss?

A study carried out by the City of Hope National Medical Center (United States) revealed that almonds, introduced in a varied and balanced diet, favor the elimination of saturated fats.

  • Almonds contain a class of compounds that limit the amount of fat absorbed by the body.
  • If we combine them properly, we will benefit from this property. We can have 8 or 10 almonds for breakfast, or toast with a banana, for example.

3. The cucumber

A cucumber juice with lemon and apple, cucumber salad, a cucumber and mint soup… The possibilities are multiple and the benefits are the same: well-being, health and less saturated fat in our body.

  • Cucumber contains vitamins A, C, and K, and minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, iron, and zinc.
  • It is rich in water, fiber and very low in fat. It helps us stay hydrated and, in addition, allows us to purify toxins thanks to its diuretic effect.

Keep it in mind every day in your diet. The results are noticeable.

4. Green apples

green apple

How about a green apple when you wake up? Its acid flavor is a delight to which it is worth getting used to.

  • Green apples are one of the main sources of flavonoids that, added to cyanidin and epicatechin, help us take care of our line. This is suggested by this study from Isfahan University (Iran).
  • They achieve this by dealing with those more resistant lipids stored in our abdomen. In turn, they promote blood circulation and we can eliminate bad cholesterol deposits created by saturated fat.
  • With just 80 calories per piece, you will have a filling fruit at your fingertips. In addition, it will help you stabilize blood sugar levels.

5. The avocado

Avocado vs saturated fat

The avocado thing is a reality as amazing as it is fascinating. How can this caloric fruit promote weight loss? 

  • There are foods with a more interesting satiating effect than their own calories. In fact, if we ate half an avocado every day, the effects that we would notice would be spectacular.
  • The unsaturated fats in avocado delay the sensation of hunger and in turn, take care of our heart and our liver. This is what this study from the Illinois Institute of Technology assures.

Now, the way you eat them also influences. As a recommendation, nothing better than a brown rice with pieces of salmon, walnuts, avocado and a little white pepper on top.

Delicious and healthy!

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