5 Exercises To Reduce Joint Pain

Underwater exercises and yoga routines can help increase joint flexibility and strength to prevent premature wear and tear. In addition, they can serve as therapy to relieve and reduce pain.

Although rest can relieve discomfort momentarily, to reduce joint pain it is advisable to do some exercises. This helps prevent loss of mobility and decreases the recurrence of pain.

At the same time, exercise increases strength and flexibility, stimulates blood circulation, prevents inflammation, and strengthens affected areas to minimize tension.

In addition, it contributes to the care of cartilage and ligaments to prevent (or alleviate, as the case may be) disorders such as arthritis. Ultimately, it can also help avoid the need for pain relievers, as it has a long-lasting relaxing effect.

Here is a brief review of some of the causes and 5 types of exercises that can be used as therapy to counteract it.

Causes of joint pain

Joint pain can affect different areas of the body, such as the hands, feet, knees, or hips. It is often accompanied by a feeling of stiffness and tenderness to the touch. Also, they can reduce the ability to move and flexibility.

Its main cause is usually the changes that occur with age. However, some experience it while young, either from trauma, being overweight, or exerting too much physical effort.

Joint pain can occur from a number of causes.

A group of experts from the Rheumatology Service of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital expressed through a study that joint pain is due to a pathology located in the same joint, in the way that surrounds it, or it can be a systemic disease that is shown . Among other possible triggers, the following are shown:

  • Obesity.
  • Tendinitis and bursitis.
  • Malformations
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Surgical interventions.
  • Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.
  • Uric acid crystals (gout).
  • Muscle strain and sprains.

The best exercises to reduce joint pain

Exercise routines to reduce joint pain can vary from person to person. If it is a common pain, any type of physical activity can be beneficial. However, if there are injuries or illnesses, the training must be adapted to these conditions.

In a study published by the University of Antioquia, it was stated that experts generally advise non-pharmacological measures for the treatment of joint pain.

These practices can be: aerobic, aquatic exercises, physiotherapy, among others. Above all, the important thing is to consult your doctor before adopting any exercise plan to relieve pain.

1. Water activities to reduce joint pain

Both swimming and water aerobics have many benefits for reducing joint pain. These exercise modalities are of low physical impact and allow a controlled, slow and safe range of motion.

The resistance provided by water contributes to the formation of muscles. In addition, it improves blood circulation and decreases the stiffness of the legs, buttocks and upper part.

2. Tai Chi

Tai Chi

One of the alternative disciplines to exercise the body for therapeutic purposes is tai chi. It consists of changing posture through slow and controlled movements that do not overload or stress the main joints.

With practice, the absorption of synovial fluid into the articular cartilage increases, which decreases the risk of premature wear. Also, it increases flexibility and balance, two keys to avoiding possible injuries.

3. Yoga

Yoga has long been recommended as an exercise modality to reduce joint pain, especially when it results from conditions such as arthritis. This discipline brings together a series of postures that reduce stiffness and circulatory difficulties. In addition, it helps to gain more flexibility.

On the other hand, it is an ideal option to combat overweight and loss of muscle tone. This increases the strength of the joints and promotes mobility. Its advantage is that each routine can be adapted to the physical resistance of each person.

4. Walk

Walking is the simplest way to avoid the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on joint health. Although it is not the most demanding exercise, it is a good alternative to reactivate circulation, improve mobility and stimulate the use of synovial fluid.

In the same vein, the ideal is to do it in different degrees of difficulty depending on the physical condition acquired. Also, it is important to pay attention to footwear, since inappropriate shoes can affect the cushioning capacity.

5. Cycling

Older man and woman riding bicycles.

Riding a bike several times a week can reduce joint pain and the risk of injury. This type of cardiovascular activity combats overweight and increases the passage of blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart.

At the same time, it strengthens the muscles and increases the resistance of the legs. However, it may not be recommended after a certain age, especially if the person is not used to it. In these cases, the best option is the exercise bike or spinning classes .

To conclude, do you feel tired when doing any physical effort? Do you have pain in your joints? If the answers are yes, then it is advisable to consult the doctor. After that, these exercises can be applied to strengthen the joints. Remember to start gradually and gently.

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