4 Ways To Use Garlic To Treat Hypertension

Do you suffer from hypertension? Is a family member close to you starting to have problems with their blood pressure? First of all, what we must do is always follow the advice of our doctor. He is the only one who can prescribe the appropriate treatment for our pathology.

Currently, there are many drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure. Among them are:

  • Thiazide diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide.
  • Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, such as captopril.
  • Angiotensin II receptor blockers, such as losartan.
  • Calcium channel blockers, such as amlodipine.

But also, we need to become aware of the need to change our bad habits. Improving our diet, restricting the consumption of salt (as stated in this study carried out by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), sugar and saturated fat, and doing some exercise a day will undoubtedly be  excellent allies to regulate your blood pressure. . However, there is a home remedy that is worth taking into account: garlic.

Did you know that garlic is those natural resources that stand out as excellent protectors of heart health ? This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Valladolid (Spain). They can be an aid to reduce bad LDL cholesterol and regulate your blood pressure. However, more research is still needed to demonstrate these effects in humans for sure and to specify the amount of garlic necessary for such benefits.

However, we show you 4 recipes that can help you, always accompanied by the doctor’s advice and the healthy habits we have talked about.

1. Garlic salt for your meals

Allicin is a medicinal enzyme present in garlic, and it is she that offers us most of the benefits for our heart health, so it is worth taking it into account. It is also interesting to know that garlic was, for the Greeks and Romans, a kind of daily medicine that they used to fight diseases and strengthen the heart.

We cannot forget either that garlic is one of the best natural antibiotics that exist and, in addition, it is that basic food within what is considered the best diet in the world: the Mediterranean. Now, if this diet is so healthy, it is basically because the use of salt is restricted and, above all, healthy fats from olive oil are used. According to this study carried out by the Hospital de Jaén, this food is really recommended to take care of our heart.

Do you want to know how to completely eliminate salt from your dishes by substituting it for “garlic salt”? Take note.

Ingredients to make my garlic salt

  • 6 garlic.
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (60 ml)


  • It is really simple. What we will do, first, is to remove the skin from the garlic and fry them in a pan together with the olive oil. Once they are golden brown, turn off the heat. Take care that they never get burned!
  • Next, put them in a glass jar, separated from the olive oil so that they do not take on moisture and remain crisp. Every time you need to season your foods to make them taste, you just have to grate them a little. You will see what a nice touch!

    2. Take garlic on an empty stomach?


    Despite what is often believed lately, consuming garlic on an empty stomach does not provide any extra benefit. Including it in our diet, of course, is healthy and recommended.

    How should I take garlic to help decrease hypertension?

    • Ideally, take two cloves of garlic along with a glass of water.
    • This remedy may seem a bit strong to you, but if you stop to analyze all the benefits, that little effort will be worth it.
    • If you are concerned about possible bad breath that may remain afterwards, all you have to do is drink a little lemon juice or chew on a mint leaf. In a moment the annoyance will disappear!

    3. Garlic marinated in oil

    We assure you that it is delicious. Taking garlic macerated in olive oil is an ancient remedy that will help us to reduce our hypertension in a really simple way, without forgetting, in addition, that it is a very tasty and original culinary resource.

    What I need?

    • 20 garlic peeled
    • One liter of extra virgin olive oil
    • A glass jar

    How do I prepare it?

    • The first thing we will do is  peel the garlic and cut it in half. Now you just have to fill the glass jar you have chosen with that liter of olive oil and add the 20 garlic, split and clean.
    • You should allow at least three weeks to pass before you start consuming this oil or garlic. A very suitable way to benefit from this remedy to help reduce hypertension  is, daily, spread two slices of bread with this medicinal oil. It is also ideal to eat two of these garlic every day.

    4. Garlic tea

    Delicious! Garlic tea is also another very suitable old remedy to take care of our heart health.

    If you choose, for example, to have the two cloves of garlic in the morning, then you can opt for this delicious tea at noon. Two very effective ways to help treat hypertension. Take note of how you should prepare it.


    • 1 clove garlic
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
    •  grated ginger (3 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (15 ml)
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


    • We will start by heating the water. Once it has started to boil, add the garlic clove, which you have previously crushed, the grated ginger and the tablespoon of honey. Stir well and let it cook for 20 minutes. After that time, strain all the content and keep the infusion.
    •  Now add the lemon juice. It’s delicious!

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