4 Shakes To Strengthen The Intestinal Flora

Do you want to learn to strengthen the intestinal flora? A strong intestinal flora is synonymous with health, so learning to take care of it and maintain a healthy lifestyle are two essential aspects to combat some problems.

It should be noted that throughout the entire digestive tract, there are more than 100 billion beneficial organisms. In fact, it is they who make up a good part of the immune system and, therefore, must be cared for, cared for and strengthened.

Aspects such as a poor diet, some medications and different types of bacteria (in addition to constipation) contribute to its weakening or destruction. Therefore, today we teach you how to prepare 4 shakes to strengthen the intestinal flora and relieve constipation. Take note!

Kefir benefits to strengthen the intestinal flora

Probiotic foods eaten in moderation have beneficial health effects.

For this reason and as a study carried out by several researchers at the University of Sonora indicates, kefir is a suitable drink to strengthen the intestinal flora. This is because its lactose level is minimal thanks to its meticulous fermentation processes.

  • This milk drink is made up of various beneficial bacteria such as lactococcus lactis, lactococcus cremoris, L. bv. diacetylactis, leuconostoc mesentedamientos, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus Casei or kluyveromyces marxianus.
  • In turn, it helps to regenerate the intestinal flora and helps fight constipation.
  • Likewise, it is said that in some cases of lactose intolerance this milk can be taken. However, this depends on each person; so do not abuse its consumption and go to the doctor before trying it.
  • On the other hand, kefir removes microorganisms and unnecessary matter from the intestines, fighting some bacteria such as Escherichia coli .

kefir and strawberries

1. Strengthen the intestinal flora with a kefir and strawberry smoothie


  • 100 g of liquid kefir .
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml).
  • 8 strawberries


  • To start, clean the strawberries and cut them in half.
  • The second step is simple and quick: add half a glass of water, the 100 grams of fresh and natural kefir and, finally, the strawberries in a blender.
  • Get a smooth shake and enjoy it in the morning. You will feel better and help fight intestinal problems.

2. Kefir and prune smoothie


  • 100 g of liquid kefir .
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml).
  • 5 prunes.


  • The first step in making this smoothie is to soak the prunes the night before.
  • The next day, already in the blender, add the half a glass of water (as in the previous recipe), the 100 grams of liquid kefir and those 5 prunes already softened thanks to all those hours of soaking.
  • Then beat until you get a smooth smoothie. You will see that the flavor in itself is great but, if you wish, you can also add a little honey.

3. Strengthen the intestinal flora with an oatmeal, banana and dates smoothie

This shake, in addition to being energetic due to the fructose content of the date, is suitable to combat constipation thanks to its fiber content.

Like strawberries or plums, bananas help stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora.

According to a work published in 2019 by the University of La Laguna, this is due to its contribution of fructooligosaccharides (a type of soluble fiber that, when fermented, helps regulate transit).

oats, dates and banana


  • 1 glass of oatmeal drink (200 ml).
  • 4 dates.
  • 1 banana


  • You can buy the oatmeal drink ready-made. However, you can also make it yourself if you soak oatmeal and beat it with a glass of water. 
  • When you have it, put the drink in the blender. Then add the banana and dates for a delicious smoothie. You will love to try it!

However, the following article published by the Costa Rican Medical Act warns about the excessive consumption of foods with fructose. So combine this shake with a healthy lifestyle and a varied diet.

4. Shake to strengthen the intestinal flora with sesame milk and figs

Sesame milk contains some health benefits to be aware of. In fact, according to an article published in 2010 by the Revista Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus :

  • Sesame contains omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, vitamin E, and mucilage (as does oatmeal). For this reason, it would help reduce inflammation and strengthen the intestinal flora.
  • This drink is energetic and digestive thanks to its nutrients. It can also be an alternative to cow’s milk.
  • In turn, it strengthens the bones and joints as it absorbs calcium better.

Sesame milk is sold in health food stores or in the specialty vegetable drinks section of supermarkets. However, you can also opt for white yogurt if you can’t find it.


  • 1 glass of sesame milk (200 ml).
  • 4 figs (they can be dried or natural, as you prefer).


  • The first thing is to prepare the blender to include in it the 4 dried or natural figs. Then add a glass of sesame milk until you get a smooth drink.
  • You can also sweeten the smoothie with honey and have it for breakfast. In fact, this option is a great and healthy idea to start the day with energy. 

Shakes and habits to strengthen the intestinal flora

Choose any of these shakes to stay healthy since, as you have seen, the consumption of probiotics and prebiotics helps to strengthen the intestinal flora.

If you get used to taking them about 3 times a week, you will help the body to regulate itself. Also, do not forget to supplement its consumption with a balanced diet and some sport to achieve the desired results.

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