4 Healthy Ways To Lose Weight With Aloe Vera

Is it possible to lose weight with aloe vera? It is a question that many ask themselves given that the use of this natural resource to lose a few extra kilos is becoming more and more popular, within the framework of a healthy lifestyle.

One of the reasons why aloe vera is used for this purpose is because this plant would have cleansing properties and the ability to reduce adipose tissue. You want to know more? In that case, do not stop reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

Can you lose weight with aloe vera?

It is increasingly possible to find more and more testimonials online about the properties of aloe vera to lose weight, however there is no scientific data to support such information. Despite this, we tell you what are the properties attributed to it:

  • It would be a natural cleanser for the body, helping to eliminate toxins and waste. This property is attributed to one of its components, called aloin.
  • It would allow to eliminate adipose tissue  thanks to the better metabolization of fatty acids, according to data from a 2012 study.
  • Aloe is historically used as a natural laxative . It would then favor the stimulation of intestinal mobility and this would allow us to better eliminate any toxin. In addition, it would help to digest food better and achieve a proper balance in the body.

4 ways to lose weight with aloe vera

The most popular shared ways to lose weight with this plant consist of consuming it through juices and smoothies. These would allow us to benefit from its virtues and cleansing and fat burning properties. Take note of the following recipes:

1. Aloe vera juice with lemon

Glass with aloe vera rinse.

This juice should be taken every morning on an empty stomach. After drinking it, you should not consume anything until an hour later.

In this way, it is assumed that one could cleanse the body, eliminate toxins and start the day in the best possible way. In addition, it is a very pleasant tasting drink.

What is clear is that this juice has a high content of vitamin C. This nutrient has been shown to be capable of enhancing immune function.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel (15 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (20 g).


  • Be careful when obtaining the gel. Use a knife to open the blade and scoop out this translucent mixture.
  • To start, bring all the ingredients to the fire.
  • Stir it so that everything mixes well and so that the aloe blends.
  • Finally, add a tablespoon of honey.
  • Once it is warm, you can take it. Very easy!

2. Smoothie with orange and strawberries

Did you know that strawberries are widely used in weight loss diets? Indeed, strawberries have a very low caloric intake and are suitable for diabetics.

In addition, according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, they have a lot of fiber. They are also considered to be diuretic and could help eliminate toxins and prevent fluid build-up.

Combined with an orange juice and aloe we would obtain a great antioxidant drink for your body and your blood. Ideal for fighting fat, but also for the digestive system.


  • 3 strawberries
  • 1 orange
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g).
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml).


  • Put everything in a blender until you get a very homogeneous juice.
  • Ideal for the mornings.

3. Pineapple, cucumber and aloe vera juice

In this case, we are going to take advantage of the digestive properties that pineapple gives us, its ability to purify and also help us to eliminate fat. Cucumber acts as a good moisturizer with which to help the digestive system and stomach.


  • ½ cucumber.
  • 1 slice of pineapple.
  • 3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel (15 g).
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).


  • Put all the ingredients in the blender until a homogeneous juice is obtained.
  • The best time to consume this smoothie is right after lunch.

4. Infusion of aloe vera and ginger

Ginger is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, as pointed out by a study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine. In addition, it would prevent fluid retention, promote digestion and reduce inflammation. Combined with aloe, it would also help us eliminate fat and purify.


  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera (8 g).
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 2 teaspoons of grated ginger root (10 g).


  • Bring the water with the aloe vera and ginger to a boil.
  • Boil for 5 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Drink hot in the afternoon.

How to drink these drinks?

Aloe vera and cucumber smoothie

Remember that aloe vera could serve as a supplement to weight loss diets. This means that we must follow a balanced nutrition low in poor quality fats.

Also, increase your salad, vegetable and fruit dishes. Avoid, above all, industrial food, refined flours and sugary drinks.

It is worth noting that aloe vera should not be used for a long time, as it could be irritating to the intestine. It will be enough to follow a cleansing diet that does not extend beyond 10 days. And remember that if you have doubts, you can always consult your doctor or nutritionist.

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