3 Solutions With Mint For Digestive Problems

Mint is a very refreshing plant that has very beneficial properties. Today we will focus on some peppermint solutions for digestive problems that will allow us to deal with them effectively.

Digestive problems are quite common. Many people have to deal with this type of discomfort after eating. Some of the most common are bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, or pain in the abdomen. In many cases, its triggers are unknown; They are only known to be very uncomfortable and cause too much pain.

Peppermint for digestive problems

Discover these three mint solutions for digestive problems that will help you deal with these problems.

1. Infusion with mint

Mint infusion

The first peppermint remedy for digestive problems is also the best known. The mint infusion is very simple to make and, really, it has very powerful effects. This is evidenced by a study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research.

If you suffer from abdominal distention or heavy digestion, taking this infusion with mint will help you avoid gas and feel lighter after meals.

It is possible to prepare this infusion with mint to take before or after meals. From here, we advise you to do it later, since it will be there when most digestive problems appear. To make it, you just have to get hold of the ingredients and follow the steps outlined below.


  • 2 sprigs of fresh mint.
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml).
  • Honey (optional).


  • Put a saucepan on the fire with water and the two branches of fresh mint and bring to a boil.
  • When it boils, turn off the heat and let it rest for about 5 minutes.
  • Strain the mixture and add honey if we wish.

Typically, unless other people drink the infusion, it ends up left over. To store it, it should be placed in an airtight container.

2. Chew mint

Mint leaves

Suffering from heartburn is something quite annoying. Therefore, if you are away from home, chewing mint leaves can be an option to alleviate the discomfort.

Although this is often recommended for bad breath, the truth is that it will bring a great sense of relief. It is a better alternative than drugs or pills that we can use for heartburn.

Another benefit of chewing peppermint leaves is that it reduces dizziness and nausea, according to research published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology . These symptoms can occur when you suffer from heartburn or have eaten too much.

3. Peppermint oil

Another solution with mint for digestive problems is its oil format. It can be found in any natural store, although it is also possible to make it at home.


  • Mint leaves.
  • 1 glass jar.
  • Base oil (olive, almonds, etc).


Peppermint oil

  • Cut and wash the mint leaves well.
  • Place them in the jar and mash.
  • Add the base oil in the jar with the mint leaves, until it covers them.
  • Close the bottle and let it rest for 24 hours.
  • The next day, strain the oil and add more leaves.
  • Repeat this process for a week.
  • When the oil is ready, store in a cool, dark place.

    When you feel bloated, with gas or heartburn, you can take a teaspoon of this oil. The relief will be instant and very refreshing. If you find it very tedious to make your own homemade oil, you can, as we mentioned above, buy it.

    Why the mint?

    Peppermint has properties that have been the subject of many studies. For example, this thesis reveals many of the benefits of peppermint and points out some properties that make it ideal for treating digestive problems.

    In this work, it is exposed that peppermint has antispasmodic properties, which alleviates colic that can be felt in the stomach. It is also considered to be very suitable for eliminating nausea.

    On the other hand, something essential that mint achieves is to increase the production of bile. This allows to accelerate the breakdown of food and, therefore, makes digestion to take place more quickly, to avoid the feeling of being full.

    What the aforementioned thesis also points out is that peppermint is not a stimulating plant, so it is suitable for people who suffer from a lot of stress. Without a doubt, this herb is an excellent option.

    An herb with beneficial properties

    As you have seen, mint has beneficial properties to improve digestion, thus reducing discomfort and pain. It is capable of reducing gas production also thanks to its carminative properties, which will have a positive effect on health.

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