12 Ideas To Decorate A Long Hallway

The corridors fulfill a very important function within a house, since they connect different environments. Decorating a long corridor is a way of giving use to that space in the home that, despite occupying a fundamental place, we do not know how to take advantage of it.

The suggested minimum width for a hallway is 90 centimeters, so it will result in a narrow and wide space. Many times it is a dark place that lacks natural light, as it does not have windows to illuminate it. This intensifies the lack of motivation to decorate and fix it.

This time we want to share with you 12 ideas to decorate your hallway and turn it into a functional, practical, pleasant and modern place. What are we trying to achieve? Equalize its dimensions so that it does not look so long and narrow, provide good lighting and, if possible, use it as a storage space.

The best ideas for decorating a long hallway

As we have already mentioned, the corridors are usually quite narrow and allow very little furniture. This is why we are going to focus on the aspects that we can modify.

1. Paint the walls

Wall colors in a long, narrow hallway should match the gamut of the rest of the house. However, we do not advise choosing strong colors as they can further accentuate your narrow dimensions. In this sense, the ideal is to opt for neutral tones, such as white, beige or light gray.

We recommend not using more than two colors. The darkest goes to the bottom of the wall, while the lightest shade goes up. In the case of wider corridors, experts agree that the order can be changed and the darkest one can be placed at the top.

To separate both tones we can use a wooden strip, which is an economical resource, easy to install and gives a very neat and classic finish.

Finally, if the ceiling in the hallway is very high, you could paint it a shade darker than the side walls, as well as the back wall. In this way you will achieve a visual effect of spaciousness.

Light tones to decorate a long hallway.

2. Cover the walls with wallpaper

The wallpaper gives us a wide variety of designs, colors and textures that we can use in favor of a long and narrow hallway. You can use it on the entire wall or half down.

In the case of high skirting boards, choosing a wallpaper with wide vertical stripes will give the impression that it has been widened. In any case, we lean towards light tones, since dark ones could intensify the small dimensions.

We suggest you opt for a paper that does not have too many drawings of strident colors because they will reduce the space in view.

3. Use good lighting

In case the corridor does not have natural light, you must be very careful when choosing the lighting for this space. For example, the lights should be pointed towards the ceiling and walls so that the view is focused on the sides, making the hallway appear wider. We suggest a warm light that does not cause contrasts and attenuates the shapes.

4. Opt for mirrors to decorate a long hallway

The function of mirrors is to expand the light and increase the idea of ​​depth. They double the space by reflecting what is on the front wall.

The shape and size of the mirrors will depend on the hallway you have. They can be irregular, standing, round, with frames or beveled edges.

5. Choose console-type furniture

A console is an excellent alternative to decorate a long corridor, because in addition to giving it a different touch, it gives it a practical function. Ideally, this table should be tall, made of fine materials, such as spout or iron.

We recommend a glass base to let in the light. There you can place a lamp, a vase or a tray for keys. If your hallway isn’t that narrow, you can add a storage space to it. The final idea is that it does not take away from us and that it provides an extra useful space.

6. Include save spaces

This is an alternative that, in addition to shortening the length of the corridor, will give us new spaces to store objects. Either those for daily use, such as school supplies, umbrellas or scarves, as well as items that we do not use frequently and that we never know where to place them.

We do not need more than 30 centimeters wide for this type of furniture. If the hallway has nooks and crannies that it widens into, that is the appropriate place to place them. If you do not have this wider place, consider carefully whether the presence of a piece of furniture of these characteristics will hinder circulation.

7. Hang wall sconces

The wall sconces serve to prevent a long and narrow corridor from giving us that tubular effect that we want to eradicate. To do this you must place more than one, following irregular parameters. As far as possible, they should be the same and be arranged in such a way as to mark the path naturally.

We recommend opting for modern and striking designs so that they become the center of attraction in the hallway and the eyes are focused on them and not on the length.

8. Decorate a long hallway with pictures and paintings

This point is quite broad and gives us the freedom to choose what we like the most. We can go for paintings of different themes: landscapes, abstract designs, portraits.

On the other hand, the idea of ​​hanging photographs is very modern, inexpensive and easy to incorporate into the hallway. In this sense, they should be images that are not very busy in terms of colors and lines, but rather deep and long exposure. Likewise, we can also choose old advertising posters, legends, motivational phrases, known or said by famous people, among many more alternatives.

The most appropriate way to arrange these elements in the hallway is as follows:

  • On a single wall and leave the other free of objects. In this way we will focus the attention on the one with the paintings or photos.
  • In a row or grouped according to size and style.

9. Assemble a library

To make a library in the corridor we do not need more than 25 centimeters deep, which is very good news, because we would not be taking away too much circulation space. However, remember that the final width should be a minimum of between 80 and 90 centimeters.

You can paint the library the same color as the walls so that it blends into the hallway evenly and naturally.

Mirrors to decorate long corridors.

10. Place rugs

If what we are looking for is to visually shorten the length of the corridor, we do not recommend putting a carpet that occupies the entire length. Because in that case we would be accentuating its extension and narrowness.

We can choose sections of rugs of different shades within the same color palette. For example, from a cream to a chocolate color. Another alternative can be the circular rugs of the same tone so that the curved lines break the monotony.

11. Opt for shelves to decorate a long hallway

Shelves are one of the best options to keep your hallway from looking like a tube. They are an inexpensive resource and very easy to implement.

There are several types of shelves: cantilevers, with plaster, wooden. The choice of one or the other will depend on the dimensions and possibilities of the hallway. However, if space permits, a library with an included bench can be mounted to create a reading area.

12. Create a rest corner

In this case, you can have an upholstered armchair or bench next to a background mirror to visually cut the length of the hallway. Remember that pastel tones will be your allies when it comes to widening spaces.

Last tips for decorating a long hallway

As always, our goal with these tips is that they work as an idea trigger so that you can decorate your spaces in the best possible way. Follow your own style and that of your home, making the most of all the spaces.

For example, you can use the base of hallway furniture to place a plant that brings life to that corner of the house. A lamp that gives light and warmth or a vase with dried flowers will cut the monotony. The options are endless and vary according to your personal taste. Dare to innovate!

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