11 Key Points Of An Anti-inflammatory Diet

Do you suffer from chronic inflammations? In this case, you may need to follow a diet that fights this condition. Here we explain its keys.

Practicing unhealthy habits, such as the consumption of alcohol or drugs, a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet cause chronic inflammation of your intestines in your day-to-day life. Therefore, developing an anti-inflammatory diet is essential to maintain good health.

Eating fats, processed foods, refined sugars, cereals and flours, added to bad habits, cause diseases and the development of tumors, diabetes, runny nose, allergies, hair loss and arthritis. Inflammation is no longer a simple body condition that can be resolved with ice, creams, or pills. It is vital to follow a healthy diet, with an anti-inflammatory diet where toxic products are eliminated. All in order to guarantee an optimal state of the cellular tissue.

Relationship between chronic inflammation and diet

anti-inflammatory diet

The concept of inflammation is generally associated with a reaction of the body to bumps, stings, burns, etc. that are perceived on the skin or muscles. Inflammation is just that, a reaction of the tissues against aggressive agents, therefore any tissue in our body can become inflamed. If the exposure to the offending agent is maintained over time, the inflammation is called chronic. In the case of components of the digestive system, they can become inflamed when exposed to :

  • Alimentary intolerance.
  • Bad digestions.

For this reason, food has a very important role. How? With a well-planned diet, it is possible to rule out foods that increase inflammation in the body, both directly and indirectly.

What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

An anti-inflammatory diet seeks to prevent chronic inflammation of our cells and combat it if we already suffer from it. It is not a restrictive diet to lose weight, or a food routine with an expiration date.

It is a nutritional proposal that will replace bad eating habits with healthy practices. In this way, it is intended to achieve a better physical and mental state. Therefore, when talking about an anti-inflammatory diet we have to take into account four basic principles:

  • Consume high amounts of healthy fats, vegetables as a source of water and fiber, and lots of fruits.
  • Increase the consumption of all foods that function as antioxidants.
  • Limit your intake of animal protein, except for oily fish or protein from fatty fish.
  • Cut down on processed foods.

11 fundamental rules in an anti-inflammatory diet

The renowned nutritionist and health coach, Beatriz Larrea, specified for Vogue Spain 11 important points in a food plan that aims to prevent or combat cellular inflammation:

1. Vary and rotate foods

The expert assures that it is very important not to obsess over a food, no matter how healthy it is. That way the body is not saturated. In addition, we favor the entry of new nutrients.

2. Take probiotics

They are good bacteria that have a positive effect on intestinal balance. They can be found in food supplements and certain products such as kefir, fermented foods, miso, and soy products.

3. Drink warm water with the juice of half a lemon on an empty stomach

With this recipe the metabolism is stimulated and the liver is purified. You can also add apple cider vinegar, ginger, turmeric, or cayenne.

4. Include Omega 3

There are many foods that contain this nutrient, such as chia seeds, algae, salmon, olive oil, nuts, hemp, sardines, anchovies, avocado, among others.

5. Accompany with daily infusions

The most recommended are green tea, matcha tea and ginger tea. All contain high amounts of antioxidants and have high anti-inflammatory capabilities.

6. Avoid skipping meals and having dinner early

It is important to eat all the main meals and to try to fast overnight. On the other hand, the specialist explains that it is necessary for the stomach to rest between 10 and 12 hours at night. This will regenerate the cells.

7. Avoid the following foods

Sugar, flour and refined salts. Excess dairy, soft drinks, processed foods, refined carbohydrates, cold cuts, and red meat.

8. Seek a natural-based anti-inflammatory diet

Larrea refers to fresh, whole foods that have many colors and are based on the animal kingdom. That is, avoid processed products that contain exorbitant amounts of chemicals.

9. Buy organic meats

This will ensure that the meats you buy have not been treated with hormones or antibiotics.

anti-inflammatory diet

10. Avoid antibiotics

As much as possible, because “they are the ones that do the most damage to your intestinal flora”, according to the specialist.

11. Accompany with exercise

It is important to perform strength and resistance exercises, not just cardiovascular ones. This was recommended by the nutritionist. In this way, the structure that you must follow when you prepare to follow an anti-inflammatory diet is clear. It is clear that this is a simple and easy eating plan to follow.

Remember that it is best to continue your anti-inflammatory diet and not put it into practice only when you feel any discomfort. This decision will make you feel better, have more energy, and be a healthier person. If in doubt, consult a specialist.

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