10 Uses Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil That You Probably Did Not Know

It’s not just its taste: olive oil provides us with numerous benefits on many levels. Helps us take care of our health and our beauty

Extra virgin olive oil is part of the culinary routine of millions of people around the world. It is preferred for its pleasant taste, but also for its properties. In fact, it is very likely that you use it or have used it in your kitchen without knowing that this product has other uses and benefits. This oil is not only tasty, it is beneficial for health, beauty and the home.

Do you know the uses and benefits of olive oil? Next, we share with you 10 benefits of this oil that you probably did not know about.

Supports weight loss

Olive oil contains healthy fats that can help those who want to lose weight. Indeed,  this ingredient helps to activate the metabolism to burn fat. In addition, it provides a greater feeling of satiety, as this article published in the  Spanish Journal of Public Health points out.

On the other hand, in the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is used as a dressing for salads, cooked vegetables and sauces. However, it is also used sprinkled on bread instead of butter.

Relieve ailments

Benefits of olive oil
Due to its high content of oleocanthal, olive oil acts as a natural anti-inflammatory that could help reduce different types of ailments.

In research published in the European Journal of Nutrition , it was shown that the consumption of olive oil can be of great support to reduce inflammation in different chronic diseases.

Avoid mental decline


Due to its high content of monounsaturated fats, this oil could help delay or prevent the appearance of mental deterioration. Thus, it would be a beneficial ally in the prevention of mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s, as this study carried out in mice points out. Although there is still nothing conclusive at all and more research is needed.

Prevent diabetes

Including extra virgin olive oil in the diet can help delay or prevent the onset of diabetes. And so this article published in Diabetes Care points out.  What olive oil does is balance the insulin levels in the body. Therefore, it helps reduce the risk of increasing blood sugar levels.

Strengthens the immune system

Immune system

The immune system is responsible for keeping the body free from disease and infection. However, when the immune system is weakened, it is more susceptible to developing different types of diseases.

The extra virgin oil contains high amounts of antioxidants that reinforce the immune function, as this study from the University of Cantabria points out. Also, this amount of antioxidants is found only in olive oil.

Treatment of diaper rash

Olive oil is a natural, gentle and safe ingredient that can alleviate diaper rash. Consequently, this ingredient relieves irritation and improves the health of the affected skin.

Acts as a skin moisturizer

oily skin

To keep the skin healthy it is very important to keep it hydrated. In this sense,  olive oil is one of those good moisturizers that helps maintain the elasticity of the skin.  In addition, it helps prevent premature aging and protect it from the sun.

To use it, simply apply a few drops of this oil to your skin, combined with your favorite essential oil.

Give up smoking

Olive oil is a great support for people who want to quit smoking. Eating five drops of extra virgin olive oil on an empty stomach each morning helps combat the effects of nicotine in the body and reduce anxiety.

Decreases hair frizz

Dyed hair

Curly hair is often a problem when it comes to styling it. So  instead of using chemical gels to control frizz or frizz , opt to use a few drops of extra virgin olive oil to organize your hairstyle.

First, take a few drops of the oil with the palms of your hands. Then rub it in and apply it to your hair.

This product can also be used as a hair and scalp treatment. Provides hydration, helps you regenerate, seals split ends, prevents dandruff and adds shine.

Against snoring

Consuming this oil can help reduce the annoying snoring that affects many people.

To do this, you can gargle with extra virgin olive oil diluted in water every night before going to bed . This natural ingredient helps lubricate the throat muscles and prevent snoring.


Many are the benefits of this oil. As you have seen, they are both physical and mental, even aesthetic. In addition, in particular the extra virgin is even more beneficial, because it includes its properties in a purest way.

In any case, do not rush. Olive oil is a fat and, therefore, its caloric content is high. In this sense, its consumption should be moderate, especially in overweight people.

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