10 Toxins That Harm Our Children

In the following lines we list some of the toxins that harm our children and give some tips to avoid their harmful influence.

Toxic substances are present everywhere. Not even children escape its pernicious influence. Among those harmful agents we can list pollution, pesticides, some foods, cleaning products and medicines. Some vaccines even expose you to chemicals that, in the long run, could end up affecting your health. So next, we talk about 10 toxins that harm our children.

How to protect children from toxic substances?

In today’s world it is almost impossible to prevent the body from coming into contact with toxins that are everywhere. Hence the importance of correcting certain habits. This is the way in which we can influence so that this does not happen. In fact, we can take an active part, for example, in the foods that we allow our children to eat, as well as in the tastes that we help create in them, since they are also educated.

The problem of exposure to toxins is on the rise. It is true that medicine continues to make advances and to find antidotes for the health problems that they cause. Despite this, more and more children are becoming ill as a result of exposure to toxic substances.

Although many still ignore it, these undesirable substances can cause from simple allergies to cancer. Numerous investigations have led to the conclusion that infants may also suffer from learning and developmental difficulties or behavioral problems, such as autism.

Likewise, immunological problems are among the chronic conditions associated with the exposure of our body to its influence.

Main toxins that harm our children

The Carrefour Health Caravan.

1. Mercury fillings

The mercury in these fillers can slowly enter children’s bodies until they cause neurological damage, as this work carried out by researchers from the University of Valencia points out.

2. Pharmacological treatments

Sometimes, without our being aware of it, children are prescribed toxic and therefore potentially dangerous medications. These include those used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They belong to amphetamines, very similar to the well-known street drug. More and more children are being prescribed these antidepressants.

Medicines to stop smoking

3. Some vaccines

Some people believe that some vaccines are not as safe as we have been led to believe for decades, but  v ale worth investigating a bit about the components that can have these. So we will know the side effects that can have on the health of our little ones.

However, despite its possible side effects, we must bear in mind that vaccines are necessary. Children’s health depends on them in many cases.

4. Processed foods and fast food with harmful toxins

Fast food and processed foods are often children’s favorites. And sometimes, to please them, we buy them this kind of unhealthy food.

Beyond their attractive smell and taste, they have been shown to contain a high amount of toxins that increase the risk of cancer. Not in vain, they are currently associated with obesity and other diseases that are detrimental to quality of life.

Special mention should be made of soft drinks and sodas, closely associated with fast food; children like it very much. They do not wonder if it is a correct way to hydrate the body when they feel thirsty; they just like it and drink it.

But, the truth is that these drinks contain, in addition to a lot of sugar, high amounts of phosphoric acid. This substance affects the bones and, in particular, the health of the teeth. Hence the need to explain the disadvantages of drinking this type of drink. Try it. You will be surprised how responsive they can be.

5. Monosodium glutamate, one of the toxins that harm children

Monosodium glutamate, better known as MSG (for its acronym in English) is highly toxic. Hence, you should take special care to avoid it. It is present in countless products that we consume: from food to personal care products.

6. Household cleaning products

Paradoxically, glass cleaners, oven cleaners, detergents and soaps, among other cleaning products, have chemical components that can be dangerous. Inhalation and ingestion of these substances could seriously affect health. Always be very careful not to leave them within the reach of children.

Likewise, it is true that chemical laundry products are very useful when washing our clothes. But it is essential to be aware that they also contain toxic components that can affect our health and that of our children.

7. Shampoos and other personal care products

Most likely, you have never stopped to read the label of the shampoos and other personal care products that you buy regularly. But if you do just a little research, you will quickly discover how toxic they can be to our bodies. It is advisable to reduce its use as much as possible and opt for natural options.

8. Environmental pollution, another of the toxins that harm them

It is practically impossible not to be exposed today to high levels of environmental pollution. Smoke from vehicles, factories and cigarettes are part of the air we breathe and affect our health on a daily basis. Fighting this is much more difficult, although not impossible.

Recycling and making responsible use of our civic rights, we can make citizen pressure to obtain that policies are carried out in favor of the conservation of the environment.

In short, be proactive in those things that you now know you can influence. Hopefully this reflection has contributed to raising awareness about how necessary these small gestures are that could save so many lives, including those of our little ones.

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