10 Homemade Tricks That Will Help You Have Soft Heels

The secret to being able to wear soft heels is in perseverance. We must apply these remedies regularly, hydrate the area daily and exfoliate to avoid the formation of hardness

Wearing soft heels is synonymous with a good grooming routine. Therefore, they make us look more attractive and, in a way, healthier. Once again, it is clear that a good image can say a lot about us.

Why do cracked heels form?

The feet have thicker skin because they withstand all the pressure of the body. Its poverty in fatty substances does not allow self-hydration, so we must exfoliate frequently and apply cream daily.

The problem of cracked heels mainly affects the outer layer of the skin. Cracks, which form when the skin around the heels becomes dry, can penetrate through the dermis. In the worst cases, this can cause severe pain.

Some of the symptoms that accompany this lack of hydration can be:

  • Itching
  • Peeling.
  • Redness

There are also cases in which this problem is caused by a deficiency of zinc and omega 3 fatty acids, so if your problem persists after treating them, you should consider going to the doctor.

Soft heels are synonymous with hygiene, beauty and health

The right footwear

Damping is essential. If the weight of the body falls on a practically non-existent sole and on a shoe that does not allow breathability, there is a greater chance that the feet will suffer.

So what should footwear look like to have soft heels?

  • Comfortable, sufficiently supported so that the foot cannot move inside, that it supports the heel well and that it does not have an excessive height (heel).

Homemade tricks to get soft heels

Among the best tips to prevent soft heels is to use closed, comfortable shoes, with cotton socks and always applying a moisturizing cream to the heels beforehand. But if the feet are already dry and there are cracks, there are some effective home remedies to shed dead skin cells.

1. Pumice stone and foot bath

  • Before going to bed, soak them in hot water for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Next, rub the heels with a pumice stone, being careful not to mistreat the cracked areas.
  • Rinse your feet and pat dry.
  • Apply a moisturizing cream and spread well over the entire surface of the foot.
  • Do not put on socks after the cream because they promote maceration, that is, the softening of the skin and its wrinkled appearance when remaining in contact for a long time with a wet object.

2. Healthy vegetable oils

The use of vegetable oils is a practical and very useful home remedy to hydrate and achieve soft heels. Coconut oil or olive oil are two good moisturizing remedies. Apply them through gentle massages and you will see how, little by little, you get healthier and more beautiful skin.

Say goodbye to tartar, gingivitis and bad breath with this edible oil

3. Vaseline and lemon juice

Lemon juice and petroleum jelly help soften hard skin and reduce cracks.  Lemon is also a natural remedy to whiten and strengthen nails. It also prevents the appearance of fungus and relieves odor.

  • Soak your heels in hot salted water for 15-20 minutes.
  • Dry your feet well.
  • Smear the heels with a mixture of lemon juice and petroleum jelly.

4. Honey, a natural softener

Honey is used as an active ingredient in various cosmetic formulas to hydrate the skin, nourish it in depth and, among other things, achieve soft heels. Next, we suggest using it in a homemade mask with avocado.

Mix a tablespoon of honey with the pulp of an avocado until you create a soft paste. Apply the mixture on your heels and let it work for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove by rinsing with lukewarm water.

5. Paraffin treatment

Paraffin is an excellent therapy for soft heels. It is ideal for treating cracked heels that cause pain and discomfort. Mix the paraffin wax with coconut or mustard oil and heat both ingredients to a bearable temperature. Then apply the mixture on the heel

6. Rice flour scrub

  • Mix 2-3 tablespoons of rice flour, honey vinegar, and apple cider.
  • Soak your feet in warm water to soften the calluses.
  • Apply this exfoliating mixture with circular massages.

Rice flour scrub

7. Oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal is another natural product with very beneficial effects to achieve soft heels. In addition to softening the hardness, it helps the foot have more aesthetics. To take advantage of its properties, we must mix a few tablespoons of powdered oats with jojoba oil.

Apply the mixture on the affected area, with circular massages and leave it to act for 10 minutes. Then rinse.

8. Yogurt and honey mixture

The yogurt and honey mixture can also be applied to the elbows, knees and heels to soften them and provide extra hydration.


  • 1 yogurt (125 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Combine the yogurt with the honey in a bowl, stir with a spoon to integrate them well.
  • Apply the mixture on the corns of the heels.
  • For best results, repeat this process every night.

9. Mix of baking soda with oatmeal

It is also possible to achieve soft heels if we make a paste with a little baking soda and oatmeal and apply it to the affected areas using gentle massages, with circular movements.

Note : Instead of baking soda, there are those who use aspirin powder. 

10. Castor oil

Castor oil can be very useful to improve the appearance of cracks, but we must be careful that there are no open wounds. We will impregnate a washcloth or gauze with castor oil, we will place it on the dry part and we will hold it with tape.

Castor oil and soybean oil

Be constant in the use of these tricks to be able to appreciate results

Having soft heels and well-groomed feet is a matter of habit. Therefore, you should apply a cream or an oil every day to be able to appreciate good results and prevent cracks and other skin imperfections from forming. Otherwise, you will hardly get the results you want.

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