10 Foods To Improve Concentration

If we want to improve concentration, it is convenient that we begin to include these foods in the diet. In addition, being healthy and natural, they will help us optimize general health.

Pay attention to the symptoms, you may need to find a way to improve concentration. If you find it more and more difficult to focus on your tasks, if something that previously took you 10 minutes now takes you 1 hour or anything deconcentrates you, you may need to rest or take food to improve concentration. Do you know them? Discover 10 options below.

Foods to improve concentration

A correct diet has many advantages. In addition to preventing us from getting sick, being overweight or having cholesterol, it can also help us so that our concentration and memory function properly.

Research published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience highlights that proper nutrition not only affects cognitive processes and emotions, but also favors brain health and mental function. 

Therefore, for your brain functions to be in perfect condition, we recommend that you consume the following foods at least once a week:

1. Fish

Blue fish.

The so-called “blue fish” (which include salmon, tuna or horse mackerel, among others) have a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids.

According to a publication in Current Medicinal Chemistry , these natural oils are beneficial for the central nervous system because they strengthen it in adults and develop it in children.

  • To take advantage of the properties of omega 3 we must consume grilled, steamed or baked fish.
  • Accompany it with a good fresh salad or a delicious mashed potatoes.

2. Avocado

This rich green fruit that is used in sauces or as a replacement for mayonnaise has monounsaturated fats (other beneficial ones) that help improve concentration and memory, according to a study published in Current Neuropharmacology .

The avocado or avocado improves neuronal communication and also blood circulation because it helps to clean the arteries.

  • If the heart pumps blood correctly to the organs and the brain is oxygenated, we can perform more in all senses.

3. Whole grains

Whole grain bread and crackers have an amino acid called L-Tryptophan which is absorbed by the brain to make serotonin. This neurotransmitter induces relaxation and sleep.

You don’t have to worry, because the amount is not enough to fall asleep at work. However, it is so that stress levels do not go through the roof and you can better concentrate on what you are doing.

4. Nuts

Nuts recommended for better sleep.

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition highlights that the antioxidants, fatty acids and phytochemicals in walnuts help protect brain health, reducing the deterioration associated with age. Also, better mental functions such as concentration and memory.

And it is not the only dried fruit that can help you: almonds and peanuts also provide a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids.

On the other hand, as an investigation in the Nutrients magazine highlights , nuts protect arteries and veins, help protect blood vessels and allow proper circulation and oxygenation of the body.

As if that were not enough, they provide very beneficial vitamins and antioxidants, ideal for improving concentration.

5. Yogurt

Dairy products are good for your health because they have calcium and nutrients. In the case of yogurt, it is recommended for those who have trouble concentrating or performing enough.

This is because it provides an amino acid called tyrosine that helps in the production of neurotransmitters (including norepinephrine and dopamine), which improve memory and alertness, according to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition .

6. Pasta

A good plate of pasta (not stuffed) can be ideal for lunch at the office. So when you return to your desk you will have enough strength to continue with your tasks.

This is because they contain complex carbohydrates that provide glucose to the brain allowing superior cognitive functioning.

  • Don’t overdo it with pasta, much less with sauces or grated cheese.
  • A small plate is sufficient. The rest are fruits and vegetables.
  • This way you will avoid the typical heaviness of after lunch and that only makes you want to take a nap.

7. Blueberries

Cup with cranberry juice.

It is amazing how such a small fruit can have so many advantages. Blueberries contain a good dose of antioxidants that activate brain enzymes, improve memory and concentration.

  • In the middle of the morning you can eat half a cup of this rich fruit mixed with natural yogurt to enjoy the benefits of both foods.

8. Banana

It is a delicious, satisfying fruit that can be present in hundreds of preparations. Bananas are high in potassium, as well as vitamin C, magnesium, and fiber.

Therefore, it is considered a perfect food to improve brain functions (especially memory). In addition, it provides vitamin B6, which helps in the production of several neurotransmitters related to concentration (dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin).

9. Chicken

In order to concentrate, the brain needs enough protein. Once these are consumed, the body releases an amino acid called L-Tyrosine. It synthesizes the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine that allow us to think quickly and clearly.

Chicken contains excellent quality proteins if we consume it grilled, baked or steamed. Try to include it in your diet two or three times a week.

10. Chocolate

If we eat a small piece of chocolate before studying for a test or preparing a difficult report at work, we can perform better. To be effective, it  is essential that it be bitter and with as much cocoa as possible.

According to the scientific journal Antioxidants & Redox Signaling , this ingredient has the ability to stimulate the nervous system, secrete endorphins (that’s why we feel good after eating it), satiate the appetite and reduce anxiety. Rich and healthy, do you dare to try them?

To keep in mind!

Although including these foods in your diet helps you improve concentration, you should not consider them “super powerful.” Simply included in a healthy eating plan, they are beneficial. On the other hand, keep in mind that concentration problems are sometimes a sign of more careful problems; so, if they are recurrent, consult your doctor.

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