10 Domestic Uses You Can Give To Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is one of the most widely used dressings to enhance the flavor of salads, pasta, and other delicious recipes.

It is characterized by having a smooth and creamy texture that facilitates its inclusion in many dishes, since it gives them a special and different touch.

However, despite having conquered the palate of many, its excessive consumption is discouraged because it contains a high level of saturated fat and calories.

What few imagine is that it can be given some alternative uses, taking advantage of its oily composition and other properties. This time we want to share the top 10 so you don’t stop taking advantage of it in some of your daily tasks.

1. Remove stickers

remove stickers

The emulsifying compounds in mayonnaise are helpful in softening the sticky surfaces that adhesives often leave behind.

Take the amount you consider necessary, rub it on the desired area and, five minutes later, remove the remains with a damp cloth.

2. Polish furniture

This ingredient is an excellent solution for wooden furniture that is covered in scratches and stains.

Its properties remove watermarks, dust and other substances that make them look aged. Put a generous amount on the surface, rub it with a cloth and wait at least ten minutes before rinsing.

3. Remove nits

Although there are many industrial products to combat nits that grow in children’s hair, mayonnaise is a good solution.

This is not only more easily achieved, but it is inexpensive and free of toxic substances that affect health.

  • Simply apply a good amount to all dry hair and let it work for at least two hours.
  • Then, a fine comb is passed to remove the nits and leave the mane clean and detangled.
  • As a result, the hair will be shiny, strong and free from pests.

4. Exfoliate the body

Since it is an ingredient with a high fat content, its application on oily skin is not recommended.

However, it is an excellent option for exfoliating dry and problem areas. As is the case with the elbows, knees and heels. Combine it with a little salt or sugar and rub it with gentle circular massages in the desired areas.

Its regular use removes dead cells, increases elasticity and reduces excess dryness that makes skin look unsightly.

5. Strengthen nails

People with weak and brittle nails can find an effective and inexpensive solution in mayonnaise. Take the amount you consider necessary and rub it on the surface of the nails and their cuticle. After five minutes, rinse with warm water and dry with a cloth.

6. Door lubricant

The greases in this ingredient serve as a replacement for the lubricants they sell to eliminate squeaky doors. Rub a small amount on the hinges, make sure to eliminate the squeak and use it as often as necessary.

7. Treat sunburn

Soothe sunburn

Treating sunburn is essential. Thanks to it, the recovery of the skin is accelerated and the development of unsightly marks is prevented.

The direct application of mayonnaise, through gentle massages, provides natural moisture and some nutrients that support its repair process.  However, it is not advisable to use them in excessively exposed areas, such as the shoulders and face.

8. Remove stains from crayons

Crayon stains on the wall and other surfaces can look like a mess because of the difficulty of removing them. To make this task much easier, rub a generous amount of mayonnaise on the part, let it act for 10 minutes and remove it with a cloth.

9. Seal the ends of the hair

split ends

The split ends of the hair are an aesthetic problem that usually appears due to the lack of nutrients and care. Although it seems that the only solution is to cut them, you can actually try a few treatments before taking such action.

So, rub a good amount of mayonnaise on the dry ends, let it work for 20 minutes and rinse as usual. Repeat its application every day, several weeks in a row.

10. Remove rings

If for some reason a ring gets stuck on your fingers, spread some mayonnaise around it and slide it off. Very easy!

As you can see, beyond being a delicious ingredient for different foods, mayonnaise serves as an ally for many daily tasks.  Use it when you consider it necessary and check all its applications for yourself.

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